Understanding the Google E-A-T principles in 10 points

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E-A-T Principles

The E-A-T principles of Google are evaluation criteria that the search giant uses to determine whether or not a piece of content is of high quality.

These criteria are important because they can have a significant impact on a site's ranking in the search results of Google.

In this article, we'll explore these principles and show you how to incorporate them into your marketing strategy. content marketing.

E-A-T Principles

1. Expertise

Expertise is one of the pillars of the Google E-A-T principles. It's about being able to prove that you have the necessary knowledge to write in an informative and accurate way on a given subject. The more you are seen as a expert in your field, the better your content will be perceived by Google.

How can you develop your expertise?

  • Acquire skills and qualifications relevant to your sector
  • Share in-depth, well-researched articles on a regular basis
  • Attend events and conferences to meet industry professionals
  • Working with experts with a good reputation

2. Authority

Authority refers to the credibility of an individual or a group of individuals. website in the eyes of its target audience. A authoritative content inspires confidence and encourages Internet users to follow your advice and recommendations. For Google, the authority of a website is measured using various criteria such as the number of incoming links and the quality of the reference sites.

How can you improve your authority?

  • Create engaging, well-researched content to generate natural inbound links
  • Write guest articles on websites recognised in your sector
  • Solicit genuine testimonials from satisfied customers to post on your site

3. Trustworthiness

Reliability is an essential factor in the E-A-T principle, since it refers to the transparency and honesty with which you approach your subject. Consumers are increasingly attentive to sources of information that convey fake news or false information. A reliable website, on the other hand, will offer content that is verified, sourced and transparent.

How can you demonstrate its reliability?

  • Include reliable, verifiable sources in your content
  • Display clear legal notices and privacy policy
  • Using a protocol HTTPS secure to protect user data

4. Quality of content

A fundamental element in meeting E-A-T requirements is to ensure that the content you produce is of high quality. This means that it must be well written, well organised and easy for your readers to understand.

What should quality content include?

  • A clear structure with coherent headings and sub-headings
  • Accurate, up-to-date and verifiable information
  • A clear, accessible writing style
  • Links to additional relevant sources to explore the subject in greater depth

5. Regular updates

To ensure that your website remains relevant and useful over time, it is important to update it regularly. This ensures that the information presented is always up to date and reflects the latest developments in your sector.

How can I update my content effectively?

  1. Checking and updating information
  2. Add recent examples or case studies
  3. Respond to new user questions or concerns
  4. Correct broken or obsolete links

6. Website design

The design of your website plays an important role in Google's assessment of its quality. In addition to visual criteria, it is essential to optimise navigation and make it easy for visitors to access the content that is important to them. Responsive design, adapted to all types of screen, is also a major asset.

7. User experience

In addition to the quality of your content, Google takes into account the overall user experience on your site. To meet E-A-T requirements, think about improving :

  • La loading speed pages
  • Compliance with best practice in terms of accessibility (reading parameters, contrasts, etc.)
  • The integration of interactive functionalities, such as contact forms or comments

8. Online reputation

A good online reputation goes a long way towards increasing the perceived authority and reliability of your website. Pay particular attention to your social network accounts and the management of reviews and comments left by users.

9. Target audience

To successfully apply the E-A-T principles, you need to meet the specific needs and expectations of your customer. audience target audience. This means creating content aimed directly at them, with information that is relevant and useful for this niche.

10. Interaction with readers

Google appreciates sites that encourage interaction with their readers. Comments, questions and other forms of exchange with your audience are all signals that your content is of real interest.

By applying these E-A-T principles to your editorial strategyIn this way, you can improve the overall quality of your website and benefit from better positioning in Google search results. Expertise, authority and reliability are invaluable assets for gaining the trust of your visitors and highlighting your skills to your target audience.

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