Domain consolidation in SEO: 10 things you need to know

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

domain consolidation

Le referencing is a set of techniques for optimising the visibility of a website on search engines such as Google.

These techniques include domain consolidationThis is a strategy that can bring many benefits to your site if it is implemented correctly.

In this article, we will explain what domain consolidation in SEO and present you with the 10 key points to remember.

domain consolidation

1. Definition of domain consolidation

Domain consolidation consists of grouping together several different domains or sub-domains belonging to the same owner, with the aim of improving their positioning on search engines, such as Google.

In particular, this technique reduces the dilution of SEO signals and concentrates the value of backlinks on a single domain.

2. Why consolidate domains?

Merging similar content

Many sites have several domains offering similar content or relating to the same theme. By consolidating them, you can avoid the problems of duplicate content that can harm the indexing of your site by search engines, and boost the overall authority of your main site.

Streamlining management

Managing several domains can lead to difficulties in terms of organisation, time and resources. maintenance, d'accommodation and communication. Consolidation makes it easier to manage the site and reduce the costs associated with these aspects.

Strengthening your online presence

By concentrating all your content and SEO signals on a single domain, you naturally increase your visibility and ranking in search results.

3. The different types of domain consolidation

There are two main types of consolidation:

  1. Consolidation through site mergers : This consists of merging several sites with the same theme and different domain names to form a single site with the same URL site. This avoids duplication of content and boosts the overall authority of the main site.
  2. Consolidation by redirection : This involves redirecting one or more sub-domains to a main site, with the aim of optimising the site's structure and centralising SEO resources.

4. Choosing the right domain name

Before consolidating your domains, it is essential to choose the right domain name which will be kept as the unique address for your website. You should choose a domain name that is short, easy to remember and representative of your business. In addition, opt for popular extensions such as .com, .net or .org for international recognition.

5. Analysing domain authority

It is important to have a clear idea of the authority and current positioning of your various domains before consolidating them. Use tools such as Moz's Domain Authority or Ahrefs to assess the authority of each domain, as well as backlinks and the quality of the content proposed.

6. Identifying and solving technical problems

Before starting the actual consolidation phase, inspect each of the domains concerned to detect any technical errors that could hinder the operation (e.g. absence of a robots.txt file, incorrect setting of meta tags, etc.). Then resolve these problems and also take into account the recommendations of the tools you used in the previous stage.

7. Set up the appropriate redirections

The next step is to redirect all the domains to the chosen main domain name. Visit 301 redirects are highly recommended as they preserve the SEO value of the redirected pages and ensure a smooth transition for both search engines and users.

8. Modify internal and external links

To ensure that the consolidation is as effective as possible, internal and external links need to be modified so that they now point to the new single domain name. This also includes updating the links in your content and those on partner sites and other platforms where they have been placed.

9. Monitor SEO performance after consolidation

Once all these steps have been taken, it's important to monitor the SEO performance of the main domain on a regular basis to make sure that everything is running smoothly. In particular, check search result positioning, click-through rates and other key indicators to ensure that your consolidation strategy is bearing fruit.

10. Keep users informed and be patient

Finally, don't forget to communicate with your users about the redesign of your site and explain the benefits they will derive from this new, unified structure. Be patient too: it may take a few weeks, or even a few months, for the various actions carried out during the consolidation to produce their effects on the search engines.

Domain consolidation offers many advantages in terms of visibility and search engine positioning.

By following the 10 points set out in this article, you'll have a solid action plan for consolidating your domains and reaping the full benefits.

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