How can I improve my domain authority in SEO?

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

The domain authority, or Domain Authority (DA) in English, has become an essential pillar when it comes to referencing and search engine optimisation (SEO).

This is an index calculated by the company Moz which assesses the credibility and popularity of a website in order to predict its performance in organic search results.

So it's vital for every website owner to work on improving this metric in order to increase their online visibility.

Domain authority

The fundamentals of augmented domain authority

Domain Authority (DA) was developed by Moz as an alternative to Google's PageRank measurement.. The DA score varies from 1 to 100 and reflects the authority a website has on the Internet in terms of trust and notoriety. The higher this score, the better your site ranks in the search engine rankings.

It's important to remember that Domain Authority is not an absolute guarantee of success in search engine optimisation, but it is a good indicator for distinguishing high-performing sites from those that still need improvement.

10 tips to improve your site's domain authority

We are now going to introduce you to 10 ways to boost domain authority of your website. Put these tips into practice and gradually see the results.

1. Create relevant, high-quality content

The first essential step is to offer content that meets visitors' expectations and adds real value. Quality content is the key to attracting and retaining visitors, but also to increasing the number of inbound links pointing to your site, a decisive factor in improving your domain authority.

2. Optimise on-page SEO elements

Optimisation of on-page SEO elements (keywords, meta tags, etc.), URL) also helps to improve Domain Authority by making it easier for search engines to index and understand your site.

3. Work on your internal linking

Le internal networking makes it easier for users and search engines to navigate your site; add relevant links to each of your articles and pages to create a coherent, solid structure for your site.

4. Think mobile-first

Mobile-optimised sites now have a considerable advantage in Google rankings. Make sure your site is responsive design and offers a good user experience on all media (computer, tablet and smartphone).

5. Focus on the user experience

Search engines are increasingly taking into account signals linked to user behaviour (bounce rateaverage length of visit, pages viewed per visit). Work on the presentation of your content, the clarity and attractiveness of your site to encourage visitors to explore your content further and generate greater engagement.

6. Multiply your netlinking actions to obtain quality backlinks

The number and quality of inbound links are essential criteria for Google. Build a netlinking by collaborating with other sites and blogs:

    • Share your articles with influencers and other experts in your sector,
    • Write guest articles on popular blogs,
    • Submit your site to specialist directories,
    • Take part in forums or discussion groups in your field.


7. Look after your site's brand image

A well-designed, professional-looking site will generate more trust and help to increase its reputation and domain authority.

8. Use social networks to promote your content

Social networks make it easier to share your articles and allow m-eme temps to create links to your site. Your publications will also reach a wider audience.

9. Encourage visitors to leave comments

User opinions and interactions encourage engagement and provide additional content for search engine optimisation. Invite your users to express their opinions or share their experiences with your site.

10. Analyse your performance regularly

Use tools such as Google AnalyticsMoz bar and SEMRush to measure and monitor changes in domain authority and adjust your SEO strategy if necessary to continue improving this performance.

To conclude on this subject: improving your domain authority in SEO is not a simple or quick task. P

ake the time to work on each of the points listed above and you could see a clear improvement in your search engine rankings and therefore better online visibility for your site.

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