Everything you need to know about Google display campaigns: the definition

by our SEA Agency Optimize 360

The display campaigns Google are an innovative and effective way of disseminating advertising messages on the Internet.

They offer advertisers the possibility of targeting and reaching a wide range of users according to their interests, their online behaviour or the sites they visit.

In this article, we'll take a look at the main features and benefits of the Google display.

Display campaigns

Discover how Google display campaigns work

Display campaigns are based on the Google Display Network, which covers more than two million websites and applications. This network enables advertisers to display their advertising messages in a variety of digital formats:

  • Banners : these rectangular formats are mainly displayed on news sites and on blogsat the top, bottom or sides of the page.
  • Interstitials These are full-screen ads that appear between two pieces of content in a mobile application or a website.
  • Native the ads blend harmoniously with the appearance and content of the site or application on which they are displayed.

Targeting by user audience

To run a successful Google display campaign, it's essential to reach the users who are most likely to be interested in your product or service. To do this, Google offers you a range of targeting criteria:

    1. Demographic targeting This involves targeting Internet users according to their age, gender, family situation and professional situation.
    2. Areas of interest This method involves reaching people whose content reflects their passions and hobbies, according to categories predefined by Google.
    3. Buying behaviour Google also offers the possibility of targeting consumers who have shown an interest in products or services similar to yours from other advertisers.
    4. Le remarketing This technique allows you to redistribute your adverts to web users who have already visited your website or interacted with your brand on the Google Display Network.

Advertising delivery management

To optimise the performance of your display campaign, you need to monitor the display of your ads closely. With Google AdsYou have access to several broadcasting options:

    • Locations you can choose the sites on which your advertisements will be displayed, depending on their theme and their popularity with your audience target.
    • Broadcast periods You can also determine the days and times when your ads will be visible, to maximise user engagement.
    • Broadcast frequency Limit the number of times your ads are displayed to the same user in a day or over a given period.

Advantages of Google display campaigns for advertisers

Display campaigns offer many advantages for promoting your brand or attracting more customers. Here are some of the main benefits:

Greater visibility on the Web

By distributing your advertising messages across a vast network of websites, you can significantly increase brand awareness among a wide audience. It also strengthens your online presence and improves your performance. SEO.

Precise, personalised targeting

Thanks to the targeting criteria offered by Google Ads, you can reach a qualified audience who are interested in your offer. This means you can concentrate your marketing budget on those Internet users who are most likely to convert.

Rich, creative formats

The different ad formats available on the Google Display Network enable you to effectively capture users' attention and arouse their interest in your products or services. By opting for animated or interactive banners, you can improve your audience's engagement and increase your conversion.

Real-time performance monitoring

The analysis tools provided by Google Ads allow you to track the progress of your display campaigns in real time. You have access to precise data on the number of impressions, clicks and conversions generated by your ads, making it easier to adjust your marketing strategy over time.

Examples of business sectors benefiting from Google display campaigns

Many sectors can benefit from the advantages of Google display campaigns:

  • E-commerce Online advertising: online shops can showcase their flagship products and encourage Internet users to make purchases thanks to attractive advertising formats.
  • Tourism Tourism: players in the tourism sector, such as travel agencies or hoteliers, can reach a targeted audience interested in the destinations they offer.
  • Automotive Car manufacturers and dealers can advertise their vehicles to a captive audience.
  • Companies B2B Display campaigns: business service providers can also take advantage of display campaigns to raise their profile and attract new customers.

In short, the Google display campaigns are an essential tool for advertisers wishing to strengthen their online presence and reach a targeted audience.

Thanks to precise targeting, a variety of advertising formats and an extensive distribution network, these campaigns offer excellent opportunities to raise brand awareness and increase online sales.

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