Understanding digitalisation in digital marketing

by our Digital Agency Optimize 360

Booming digitisation has become indispensable in the world of marketing and business.

It offers many opportunities for companies that want to stand out from their competitors. But what is digitalisation in digital marketing ?


Definition of digitisation

Digitalisation is a broad term that encompasses a number of concepts related to the conversion and the use ofinformation in digital form. This transformation is based on the integration of digital technologies in two main areas:

  • The company's internal processes (management, production, communication, etc.)
  • Relations with customers, partners and other external players (sales, customer service, collaboration, etc.)

This digital revolution is based on a number of technological innovations, including IT, the internet, social networks, mobility and artificial intelligence.

Digitalisation in digital marketing

In terms of marketing, digitisation represents a major strategic shift that is leading companies to rethink their communication, sales and loyalty models for the benefit of the consumer. In particular, it means :

  • The transition to digital communication media (websites...), newsletterssocial networks, etc.)
  • The development of new skills and expertise within the marketing teams (web analytics...), SEOcommunity management, etc.)
  • Implementing a content strategy tailored to consumer habits and search engine requirements

Companies must adapt to this new reality if they are to remain competitive and attract maximum attention to their products or services.

The main benefits of digitisation for marketing

Integrating digital into marketing brings a series of significant benefits for businesses:

    1. Increased visibility and brand awareness: through the use of diversified and relevant communication channels (social networks...), blogonline advertising, referencing natural), it is easier to reach a audience broad and targeted.

    2. Personalising the customer experience : Digitalisation enables brands to collect and analyse vast quantities of data on consumer behaviour and preferences. This gives them the opportunity to adjust their messages and offers to best meet the expectations of each individual.

    3. Cost optimisation : Going digital can lead to substantial savings, particularly in terms of printing, stationery, distribution and staff costs.

    4. Adaptability and responsiveness: Digital tools offer a high degree of flexibility for rapidly adapting and modifying marketing plans in line with the results obtained, market trends or the competition.

The challenges of successful digitisation

Despite its many advantages, the transition to digital marketing is far from simple and risk-free. It's a long and complex process that requires a great deal of effort on the part of businesses. Here are some of the main challenges they face:

Resistance to change

To migrate to a digital model, a company must be prepared to transform its traditional working practices and adopt new, more efficient approaches. This often means abandoning certain tried and tested methods that may be resisted by some conservative employees or partners.

Training and recruitment

Digital marketing requires a specific set of skills that current employees do not necessarily possess. Companies therefore need to invest in training their staff and/or take on new recruits to strengthen their teams with new skills. experts such as SEO specialists, web copywriters and social network managers.

Information management

One of the central aspects of digitalisation is the management of customer data. Companies need to ensure that this information is collected and analysed rigorously, but also that it is secure and confidential, to prevent it being leaked or stolen.

Performance measurement

In digital marketing, the number of key performance indicators (KPIs) is almost infinite. To properly assess the effectiveness of their online actions, companies need to successfully select the relevant KPIs that meet their specific objectives, and then put in place appropriate monitoring and analysis systems.

Digitalisation offers excellent opportunities for companies seeking to stand out in an intensely competitive environment.

However, it is not enough to simply create a website or a page Facebook to make a success of its digital transition. Above all, it is a genuine cultural and organisational transformation that must be carried out with rigour and patience.

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