Understanding Digital Asset Optimization in 10 key points

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Digital Asset Optimization

In an increasingly digital world, it is essential for businesses to manage their digital assets effectively.

Digital Asset Optimization (DAO) is a comprehensive approach to improving the management and use of a company's digital assets.

In this article, we'll look at 10 key points to help you understand the DAO.

Digital Asset Optimization

1. What are digital assets?

A digital asset is any digital file that can be used by a company in its communications or day-to-day activities. This includes images, videos, PDF documents, audio files, animations, etc. These elements are often produced by the company itself, purchased from external suppliers or found on dedicated online platforms.

2. The challenges of Digital Asset Optimization

Digital assets are a precious resource for businesses. They must therefore be managed and optimised efficiently. The main objectives of the DAO are :

  • Improving access digital assets for the users concerned,
  • Facilitating distribution and sharing digital assets internally and externally,
  • Save time when searching for, modifying and publishing digital assets,
  • Protect digital assets against loss and infringement of intellectual property rights.

3. Technology at the service of CAD

Various technological solutions have emerged to meet the growing need for digital asset management. The Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a case in point. It is a set of methods and IT tools designed to centralise, organise, store, search, modify, share and distribute digital assets efficiently.

4. The importance of organising digital assets

To optimise digital assets effectively, it is crucial to organise them in a logical and coherent structure. In particular, this requires :

  • La classification digital assets by category, tag or keyword,
  • La prioritisation of digital assets according to their importance,
  • Le compliance with archiving rules to make storage and searching easier.

5. Supported file formats

Digital Asset Optimization must be able to handle the different file formats used by businesses. These may include :

  • Image formats (JPEG, PNGGIF, etc.),
  • Video formats (MP4, AVI, MOV, etc.),
  • Audio formats (MP3, WAV, M4A, etc.),
  • Document formats (PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, etc.).

6. Access and sharing rights for digital assets

To guarantee the security and confidentiality of digital assets, it is crucial to put in place a system for controlling and managing access rights. This involves :

  • La definition of user profiles (administrator, editor, contributor, reader, etc.),
  • La authorisation management granted to each user profile,
  • Le access and modification control to digital assets.

7. Storage of digital assets

Digital assets must be stored securely, while meeting the company's specific needs in terms of capacity, cost and performance. There are several options for storing digital assets:

  • Le local storage on an internal server;
  • Le online storage on dedicated storage spaces;
  • Le cloud storage to benefit from the scalability and flexibility offered by cloud storage services.

8. Integration with the company's other digital tools

The DAO must be able to integrate with the other systems and platforms used by the company, such as :

  • Content production and editing software,
  • Internal and external communication solutions,
  • Human resources and financial management systems,
  • The electronic commerce and digital marketing.

9. Measuring performance and ROI

To assess the effectiveness of the DAO and its impact on the company's activities, it is necessary to put in place key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly measure the results obtained. These indicators can include :

  • Time saved searching for, modifying and publishing digital assets,
  • Ease of access and use for employees,
  • Improving collaboration between teams and departments,
  • Return on investment (ROI) quantified in terms of productivity gains, cost reductions and improved quality of digital assets.

10. User training and support

In order for the DAO to be fully adopted by employees, it is essential to provide a training and personalised support during the deployment of this approach. This can include :

  • Theoretical and practical training sessions,
  • The provision of guides and tutorials,
  • Reactive and competent technical support whenever you need it.
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