Understanding the digital agency: definition and role

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Today's digital world is constantly evolving.

Consumers are using more and more channels to carry out their transactions and find out about the products and services on offer.

That's why it's essential to understand what a digital agencyits role and its various areas of expertise.


Digital agency

What is a digital agency? 

L'digital agencyalso known as digital agency or web agencyis a company specialising in developing communication strategies on the various digital channels (websitesocial networks, mobile applications, etc.). Its aim is to help companies strengthen their online presence while promoting their products and services.

This French version of the term "digital agency" has taken on significant importance in recent years due to two major factors:

  1. The rapid development of information technology;
  2. Increased competition between market players, which requires greater visibility on the web to ensure a competitive edge.

The different skills of a digital agency

A digital agency can specialise in several areas and often offers the following skills:

    • Website design and development creation of showcase sites, e-commercemobile applications...;
    • Referencing natural (SEO) optimising the content and structure of a site to make it more attractive to visitors. visible in search engines, in particular Google ;
    • Digital marketing online advertising (display, search, remarketing, Facebook Ads...), e-mailing, affiliation...;
    • Social media marketing social networking and community development;
    • Content strategy writing and promoting high value-added content (feature articles, newsletters, etc.). bloginfographics, videos, etc.) with the aim of attracting the attention of Internet users and generating traffic. qualified traffic.

Why use a digital agency?

There are a number of reasons why it may be appropriate for a company to call on the services of a digital agency:

  • Expertise Digital agencies have a wide range of skills, enabling them to offer customised solutions tailored to the specific needs of their customers. They are able to develop high-performance digital communication campaigns.
  • Save time Working with a digital agency allows companies to concentrate on their core business and delegate some or all of the management of their online activities.
  • Technology watch : Working with a digital agency means staying at the cutting edge of the latest trends and keeping abreast of market developments and technologies in real time.
  • Monitoring and analysing results : A digital agency offers regular monitoring and sets up performance indicators (KPIs) to analyse the results of the actions taken. This enables companies to adjust their strategies in line with their desired objectives.

Choosing a digital agency: criteria and advice

Finding the digital agency that best meets your company's needs and expectations can be a real challenge. Here are a few criteria to consider:

  1. The experience Years in business, client references and the skills of the team are essential elements in assessing the agency's level of expertise;
  2. The size of the agency : Depending on your specific needs and the projects to be carried out, you will need to choose between a large agency with extensive resources or a smaller structure offering a more personalised and flexible approach;
  3. Offers and services It is crucial to check whether the services offered by the agency correspond to the company's expectations and needs, and to pay close attention to the rates charged;
  4. Relationships : The relationship with the agency must be based on trust, dialogue and exchange to ensure a healthy and productive relationship over the long term.

Tips for choosing your digital agency

To make it easier to choose the digital agency best suited to your needs, it is advisable to invite tenders from several agencies. You can request a digital audit or the presentation of projects carried out for similar clients.

In a nutshell

L'digital agency plays an essential role in the digital communications of companies wishing to optimise their online presence and develop their activities via the web and mobile applications.

To choose the agency best suited to your objectives, it's important to take into account a number of criteria, such as experience, the size of the agency, the services on offer and the quality of the relationship.

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