Deeplinking: definition and challenges for natural referencing

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Le deeplinkingalso known as a "deep link", is a linking technique that enables you togo directly to a specific page a website rather than its home page.

This practice can have a significant impact on theuser experience and a site's SEO performance.

In this article, we're going to explore the different aspects of deeplinking, how it works and its benefits for improving natural referencing.


How deeplinking works

A deeplink is simply a hypertext link to an internal page of a website, i.e. any page other than the home page. These links can be used in a variety of situations, including :

  • Promoting a specific product or service via marketing campaigns (advertising, e-mails);
  • To improve navigation within a website, by facilitating access to content pages relevant ;
  • Make certain pages more visible in search results, by making them accessible via links from other content (blogssocial media).

Benefits of deeplinking for natural referencing

Deeplinking offers a number of advantages for improving a website's SEO performance:

Increased site authority

By creating internal links pointing to specific pages, we are helping to distribute the SEO "juice (link juice) between the different pages on the site. The deep link thus makes it possible to attribute more authority to pages considered to be important and likely to generate traffic or conversions.

Improving internal networking

Deeplinking is also helping to strengthen the internal networking of a site, enabling better cohesion between the different pages and optimal circulation of information. Search engines appreciate this structuring of content, because it makes it easier to understand the overall architecture of the site and contributes to a positive user experience.

Optimising the bounce rate

By redirecting visitors directly to a page that corresponds to their expectations, the deep link makes it possible to reduce bounce rate and increase the time spent on the site. These factors are taken into account by search engines to assess the quality of a site and influence its ranking in search results.

Long tail referencing

Thanks to deeplinking, it is possible to highlight pages targeting less competitive keywords and thus reach a broad spectrum of Internet users via long tail referencing. Deep links therefore make it possible to diversify traffic sources and optimise its presence on search engines.

Creating deeplinks: good SEO practice

To reap the full benefits of deeplinking, you need to adopt certain good practices:

Avoiding broken or redundant links

A deep link must always point to an existing, functional page. In addition, take care not to create redundant linkss, i.e. pointing to the same page with different URLs, to avoid the risk of duplicate content.

Use optimised link anchors

The anchor for your deep link is the text visible by the user who clicks on the link. It is preferable to use keyword-rich anchorswhich faithfully reflects the content of the target page, for a positive impact on natural referencing.

Vary the sources and destinations of links

It is important to diversify the profile of links, both in terms of origin and destination pages. A deeplinking strategy that focuses too much on a limited number of pages could be perceived as unnatural by search engines and have a negative effect on SEO.

Assessing the relevance of links

Before creating a deep link, make sure it is useful and relevant to the user. Search engines value content that provides real added value for web users, and an uninteresting deep link could be counter-productive in terms of referencing.

In short, deeplinking is an effective strategy for improving the navigation and SEO performance of a website.

By creating links pointing to specific pages, it is possible to reinforce the authority of the site, optimise the bounce rate and diversify the sources of traffic.

However, it is important to follow certain best practices when it comes to creating links, in order to take full advantage of the benefits offered by this technique.

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