Understanding data visualisation for SEO in 10 key points

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Data Visualization

Data Visualization is a technique for presenting complex data in a simple, graphical way that makes it easier to understand.

The main objective is to facilitate interpretation and decision-making based on this data.

In the field of search engine optimisation (SEO), data visualisation plays an essential role in analysing the performance of a website. website and determine the best course of action.

Here are 10 key points to help you understand this approach.

Data Visualization

1. The different types of data visualisation

There are several types of graphical representation for highlighting data. Some of the most common are histograms, bar charts, scatter plots, maps, pie charts and pivot tables. Each type of display has its own specific features and should be chosen according to the objective sought and the data available.


A histogram is made up of vertical columns whose size represents the amount of data in each category. It is an ideal method for illustrating the distribution of variables in a series.

Bar graph

The bar chart is similar to a histogram, but is used to compare values between different categories rather than to show the distribution of variables.

Point cloud

A scatterplot is a graphical representation of the x and y coordinates of a set of points. It is used to assess trends, correlation and concentration of data.

Geographic map

This is a visualisation that highlights geolocated data on a map. This can include demographic data or the location of users.

Circular diagram

This type of display consists of representing percentages as sectors of a circle. It is particularly suitable for showing proportions.

Pivot tables

The pivot table enables several dimensions to be displayed simultaneously in a single table (for example: month per product sold). It provides a summary and customisable view of the data.

2. The importance of data quality

To obtain relevant results with data visualisation, it is essential to ensure the quality of the data analysed. In particular, this means ensuring that the data is correct, consistent, complete, reliable and up-to-date. In addition, the metrics taken into account during the analysis must be clearly defined to ensure that the interpretation is relevant.

3. Data visualisation tools for SEO

There are a number of tools available for creating SEO-friendly data visualisations. Some of the best known are Google Data StudioMicrosoft Power BI, Tableau and Moz. However, the choice of tool will depend above all on the needs and skills of the user. So it's important to test several solutions and choose one that best meets your expectations.

4. Using data visualisation to analyse site performance

Data visualisation allows you to quickly identify important trends and potential problems linked to a website. Using graphs and tables, you can easily compare site performance over time and detect any variations that need to be taken into account. It also allows you to spot opportunities for growth or improvement.

5. Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are indicators that help to measure and monitor a company's objectives. In the context of SEO, KPIs can include the number of impressions, the click-through rate (CTR), the volume of searches or the average position in search results. Data visualisation can be used to highlight these KPIs and track their evolution, so that you can adjust your actions accordingly.

6. Decision-making based on data visualisation

By analysing the information presented in the form of data visualisations, it is then possible to make informed decisions about the SEO strategy to adopt. For example, this could involve modifying the targeted keywords, improving the website's content or implementing advertising campaigns to increase visibility and generate more traffic.

7. Comparison with the competition

Data visualisation also offers the advantage of being able to easily compare the performance of your own site with that of your competitors. This not only allows you to assess your position in the market, but also to spot opportunities to stand out from the crowd and capitalise on each other's strengths and weaknesses.

8. Analysis of organic and paid search data

When it comes to SEO, it is essential to distinguish between data from natural (organic) referencing and data from the paid referencing (AdWords). Data visualisation makes it easy to distinguish between traffic sources and their impact on site performance. This gives an overall view of the effectiveness of each marketing channel and guides decisions about resource allocation.

9. Customising dashboards

Another major advantage of data visualisation is the ability to create customised dashboards according to the specific needs of each user. By selecting the most relevant indicators and adapting the graphic presentation, you can create a tailor-made tool for analysing the performance of your website as part of your SEO strategy.

10. Collaboration and information sharing

Finally, data visualisation greatly facilitates collaboration within a team by making it easy to share information and results. Interactive dashboards can be consulted by all team members, encouraging discussion and joint decision-making. This contributes to greater consistency in the actions taken to optimise website referencing.

In conclusionData visualisation offers many advantages when it comes to optimising website referencing. There are powerful tools available today for creating graphical representations that are relevant and tailored to the needs of businesses. When used properly, this approach allows you to better understand the data, identify trends and make informed decisions to improve the performance of a website.

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