Understanding how the dashboard works for SEO creation

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360

Dashboard Creation

In the world of SEO, tools and methods are constantly evolving.

One of these is the dashboard creation (or dashboard), which enables you to monitor and improve your website on aspects such as performance, visibility and content optimisation.

In this article, we'll look at the 10 essential points you need to know about this concept.

Dashboard Creation

1. What is an SEO dashboard?

SEO dashboard (dashboard) is a centralised tool that combines key indicators and relevant data from different sources to help you monitor, analyse and improve your website's SEO performance.

2. Why use a dashboard for SEO?

Using a dashboard allows you to :

  • Easier monitoring and analysis: clear, organised performance indicators make it easier to understand your site's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Prioritise the actions to be taken: with all this information at your disposal, you can identify the priority areas for improvement.
  • Encourage communication: having a visual aid to present the results is beneficial for sharing your progress with the members of your team or during reporting.

3. The essential components of an SEO dashboard

The essential elements of a relevant dashboard include :

  1. Organic traffic This is the number of visitors who arrive on your site thanks to search engine results.
  2. High-performance keywords These indicate which keywords you have targeted and which generate the most traffic.
  3. Average positions These are used to measure the performance of your pages in terms of their ranking in search engine results.
  4. The click-through rate (CTR) This indicator measures the percentage of people who clicked on a link to your site in the search results.
  5. The conversions Actions carried out by visitors to your site (purchase, registration, download, etc.).

4. Choosing key performance indicators (KPIs)

To build an effective dashboard, it's crucial to include the right indicators, tailored to your business and your SEO objectives. The most common KPIs include

5. Tools for creating an SEO dashboard

There is a wide range of tools available today to help you create and customise your dashboard to suit your needs:

  1. Google Analytics This free tool offers advanced functions for monitoring traffic, user behaviour and conversions.
  2. Google Search Console : ideal for measuring the performance and ranking of your pages in Google results.
  3. Moz This paying platform provides comprehensive data on on-page and off-page optimisation, as well as backlinks.
  4. SEMRush Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): this is a paid online tool that enables you to analyse the organic performance and keywords of your website and your competitors.

6. Setting up alerts

To be able to react quickly and take action in the event of a drop in performance, it is advisable to set up specific alerts linked to your activity:

  • Drop in organic traffic or number of sessions
  • Significant drop in ranking for a keyword given
  • Lower conversion rate.

7. Monitor search engine trends

To anticipate developments and adapt your strategy, it is important to monitor market trends, in particular :

  1. Popular queries from Internet users
  2. Changes in search engine algorithms
  3. New search functions offered by search engines
  4. The performance of your competitors.

8. Update your dashboard regularly

To ensure that your analyses and actions are as relevant as possible, it is essential to update your SEO dashboard by adding or deleting certain KPIs, and to review this data as often as possible, at least once a month.

9. Monitor changes made on site

Every change you make to a website can have an impact on its SEO performance. It is therefore essential to :

  • List all modified configurations and content;
  • Compare the data before and after the modification;
  • Anticipate possible consequences to improve decision-making.

10. Share the results with your team

Finally, sharing the results obtained from your SEO dashboard will be of great benefit to you:

  • Create a collective commitment to SEO performance;
  • Encouraging communication and teamwork around objectives and actions;
  • To enable problems that could have an impact on SEO performance to be identified more quickly.

In short, an SEO dashboard is a valuable tool for monitoring and optimising the performance of your website. By following these 10 essential points, you can create a bespoke dashboard tailored to your needs, capable of helping your business achieve its SEO objectives.

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