Discover the importance of the dashboard in digital marketing

by our Digital Agency Optimize 360

Le digital marketing has become an essential element for any company operating in the digital world.

It improves the visibility of a websiteto build customer loyalty and increase sales. One of the essential tools in your digital marketing strategy is undoubtedly the dashboard.


What is a dashboard?

dashboard, is a visual tool that lets you monitor various key performance indicators (KPIs) to give you a quick overview of your activities marketing. This table brings together and analyses data in real time, making it easier to understand and take decisions.

Thanks to filters available on most dashboards, it's easy to cross-reference the data according to a number of criteria, in order to refine your reading as much as possible.

The main types of dashboard

  1. Analytical dashboards : They bring together all the data concerning the performance and returns of your marketing actions (for example, visitors to your website and their behaviour).
  2. Operational dashboards : They include indicators such as the budget allocated to each marketing campaign, the cost per click (CPC) or per thousand impressions (CPM), as well as human resources management (number of team members, hierarchy).
  3. Strategic dashboards : They provide an overview of the company's overall trends and objectives in terms of digital marketing.

Why use a dashboard in digital marketing?

The use of a dashboard is essential when implementing and monitoring a digital communications strategy. As well as saving a considerable amount of time, there are a number of other advantages to using a dashboard:

Monitoring and analysing KPIs

Access to relevant, up-to-date data will help you to effectively monitor and evaluate every component of your digital marketing strategy. If we take a website as an example, the information presented on the dashboard could include :

    • The number of visitors
    • Shopping basket abandonment rate
    • The rate of conversion
    • The average length of a session

Identifying performance drivers

By observing the impact of your marketing activities in real time, it becomes easier to determine which campaigns generate the best return on investment (ROI). As a result, you can adapt your advertising expenditure and allocate more budget to the most effective actions.

Increase team productivity

A dashboard gives all the members of the team - from the marketing manager to the community managers and graphic designers - a clear and precise view of the objectives to be achieved. This avoids wasting time on communication errors, and allows everyone to concentrate on their area of expertise.

Designing an effective dashboard: what are the best practices?

Determining your KPIs

Key performance indicators must be selected with care: they must be relevant to your objectives, whether quantitative or qualitative. What's more, they must not be too numerous, as this could make the dashboard difficult to read and analyse.

Make the dashboard attractive and easy to understand

So that your dashboard is really useful, it is important to work on its visual presentation. The choice of colours, the space between elements and the general layout are all elements that need to be taken into account to make the information on the dashboard easier to read and interpret.

Regularly update data

The dynamic nature of a dashboard is essential for effective decision-making. It is therefore essential to ensure that indicators and filters are updated automatically and regularly.

In short, a dashboard is a veritable steering and monitoring tool for all companies looking to optimise their digital marketing strategy. It enables you to improve communication within your teams, identify performance drivers and make informed decisions.

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