Customer feedback to boost your e-reputation

Through our E-Reputation Agency Optimize 360

Nowadays, consumers are accustomed to consulting reviews and customer feedback before making a purchase or choosing a service.

Let's find out together what this valuable feedback is and how important it is for your company's e-reputation.

customer feedback

What is a customer comment?

A customer review is an opinion written by a user who has carried out a transaction with a company. It allows users to share their impressions and satisfaction on the product or service obtained. Comments are often accompanied by an evaluation in the form of stars, ratings or a recommendation system.

They are made available to the public via a variety of platforms, including company websites, forums, social networks and review sites such as TripAdvisor, Yelp and others. Google My Business.

The growing importance of online comments

The advent of the digital revolution and the advance of the Internet have made customer feedback more accessible and influential in our society. According to a survey conducted by Dimensional Research in 2014:

    • 90% of respondents say that their purchasing decisions are influenced by online reviews.
    • Nearly 88% of users trust online comments as much as personal recommendations.

Other studies show that comments have a major impact on the repeat purchases, average shopping basket and brand image of your company. It is therefore essential to pay particular attention to customer feedback in order to improve your offers and customer service.

Customer feedback: E-Reputation definition

E-reputation refers to all the digital representations circulating on the Web about a company or a personality (opinions, news, images, videos, etc.). Customer comments play a central role here, as they play an active part in building an organisation's brand image on the Internet.

The different types of e-reputation comments

There are two main categories of customer reviews in the context of e-reputation:

    • Positive reviews : They are the congratulations, thanks and encouragement expressed by satisfied users. These testimonials are invaluable in establishing your company's reputation and reassuring potential new customers.
    • Negative opinions : They express the dissatisfaction, constructive criticism or disappointment experienced by certain consumers. While these opinions are not always easy to accept, they can nevertheless be used to identify concrete areas for improvement in your business.

The importance of customer feedback for your e-reputation

Your customer reviews directly influence your online awareness, your brand image and the number of visitors. conversion of your prospects. A company that puts consumer satisfaction first will enjoy a better reputation on the Web:

    1. Rewarding comments An eloquent comment on the quality of your service or your product will encourage Internet users to choose your offer rather than that of the competition.
    2. Encouraging interaction between users Social media: social platforms generate sharing, dialogue and engagement through comments. Maintain this two-way communication with your users to create an active community that is loyal to your brand.
    3. Taking negative feedback into account constructive criticism offers concrete ways of improving your products, services and customer focus.

How can you optimise the management of your customer comments?

Setting up a high-performance listening system

To make the most of customer reviews, you first need to regularly monitor the platforms where they are published (dedicated sites, forums, social networks, etc.). Monitoring software or tools can help you make sure you don't miss out on any of these valuable testimonials.

Systematically respond to notices

Whether positive or negative, take the time to respond to all comments received. A simple thank you for a positive review will strengthen your bond with the customer, while explanations and suggestions for resolving a negative review will show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Analyse customer feedback to improve your offering

Use customer feedback to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your products, services and internal processes. This will enable you to adjust your offering in line with consumers' real needs and expectations.

In short, it is essential to take these testimonials seriously, as they represent an inexhaustible source of information for continually improving your e-reputation.

Customer reviews are much more than a simple evaluation: they are the link between your company and its customers, and actively contribute to your success in today's digital marketplace.


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