Understanding Custom Segmentation in SEO: a 10-point guide

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Custom Segmentation

When it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), it is essential to take into account the different needs and expectations of visitors in order to tailor your communications more effectively.

This is where custom segmentation in SEO comes in. But what exactly is custom segmentation? Why is it necessary? And how can it be applied effectively?

In this article, we offer you a 10-point guide to understanding custom segmentation in SEO.

Custom Segmentation

1. What is custom segmentation in SEO?

Custom segmentation in SEO consists of dividing visitors to a website into different groups or segments according to specific criteria, such as their interests, their behaviour on the site, etc., in order to optimise communication and meet their expectations as effectively as possible.

2. Segmentation by visitor type

To segment your audience properly, it is essential to determine the different types of visitor who may be interested in the site's content. The most common types of visitor are :

  • New visitors
  • Recurring visitors
  • Visitors who have made a conversion (purchase, registration, etc.)
  • Visitors who did not convert

3. Segmentation by traffic source

Custom segmentation in SEO can also take into account how visitors arrived on the site:

  • Organic traffic visitors who have carried out a search on a search engine
  • Direct traffic visitors who enter the site URL directly into their browser
  • Referral traffic visitors who clicked on a link from another site
  • Social traffic visitors who have accessed the site via a publication on social networks
  • Other traffic sources advertising, email marketing, etc.

4. Choosing the right segmentation criteria

To obtain results that are relevant and tailored to your audience, you need to choose your segmentation criteria wisely. These include, for example

  • Behaviour on the site (pages visited, number of visits, etc.)
  • Demographic data (age, gender, geographical location, etc.)
  • Areas of interest (topics covered, previous purchases, etc.)
  • The equipment used (mobile, computer, tablet...)

5. Using analytical tools to segment your audience

The implementation of custom segmentation in SEO often involves the use of analytical tools such as Google Analytics. They make it possible to collect and analyse a vast amount of data on visitor behaviour, in order to segment them effectively.

6. Understanding the specific needs of each segment

Once the different segments have been defined, we need to study their respective expectations so that we can adapt our communication accordingly. For example:

  • New visitors : highlight informative and educational content
  • Recurring visitors : propose new products, news or dedicated offers
  • Visitors who have converted : present complementary products or services
  • Visitors who did not convert : offer decision aids (comparisons, testimonials, etc.)

7. Optimising your site for each segmentation group

Once you have identified the specific needs of each segment, it is important to adapt your site accordingly. Various actions can be taken:

  • Landing pages personalized Creating home pages tailored to different profiles
  • Targeted content propose articles, videos or infographics that meet the expectations of each segment
  • Customised offers adjust the products or services offered to meet the specific needs of each group
  • Improving navigation To facilitate access to relevant information for each type of visitor.

8. Analyse the results to optimise your SEO strategy

The implementation of custom segmentation in SEO must be accompanied by regular monitoring of the results obtained, in order to refine and optimise the strategy put in place. To do this, it is crucial to measure and analyse key indicators such as :

  • Conversion rate by segment
  • Page views by visitor category
  • Number of visits (and new visits) by traffic source
  • Traffic breakdown between segments

9. Test and adapt your SEO strategy for each segment

Custom segmentation in SEO requires a pragmatic and progressive approach: it may be necessary to test different actions to determine which ones bring the best results, and adapt your strategy accordingly. Common techniques include :

  • A/B testing test several variants of the same page to identify which works best
  • Analysis of click-through rates (CTA) by segment
  • Usability studies to detect friction points in navigation

10. Custom segmentation in SEO, an asset for continuous improvement

To sum up, custom segmentation in SEO makes it possible to optimise the marketing approach by responding as effectively as possible to the specific needs of different types of visitor. This approach offers a better understanding of your audience, and encourages engagement and conversion. With these 10 key points, you now have the foundations you need to put in place a personalised, high-performance SEO strategy.

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