Cross-channel strategy: when the real meets the digital

by our Digital Strategy Agency Optimize 360

In an increasingly connected world, the boundaries between digital and real distribution channels are gradually becoming blurred.

It is in this context that the "cross-channel strategy" is emerging, which aims to integrate different distribution and sales channels to offer a coherent and fluid customer experience.

How exactly is this approach defined and what are the challenges? Let's delve into the world of cross-channel.

Cross-channel strategy

General definition of cross-channel strategy

La cross-channel strategy is a distribution approach in which digital and physical channels are designed to work together to create a single customer experience across all sales channels. Instead of considering each channel as a separate entity, the aim is to integrate them and coordinate their actions in order to improve the overall customer experience.

Integrating multiple channels

To implement a successful cross-channel strategy, it is essential to understand the characteristics of each channel used by customers to make their purchases and to offer them a tailored experience.

The strategy therefore takes into account both physical points of sale (such as boutiques or shops) and the various online platforms (websitesocial networks, mobile applications, etc.).

Customer focus

In a cross-channel approach, the customer is placed at the centre of the brand and is offered additional services on each channel used. For example, a user can find the same information on a website as in a physical shop, take advantage of personalised advice via social networks, or benefit from exclusive in-store promotions by using their online account.

The benefits of a cross-channel strategy for brands

To remain competitive and meet the expectations of their customers, companies have every interest in adopting a cross-channel strategy. It offers a number of significant advantages:

  • Loyalty : A smooth, consistent customer experience builds trust with consumers, who are more likely to return to the brand to make new purchases.
  • Increase in the average basket: By intelligently exploiting the complementarity between the different channels, it is possible to encourage customers to buy more and to combine their online/offline purchases.
  • Better knowledge of customers: The cross-channel strategy encourages the collection and analysis of data from different sources, making it possible to refine customer segmentation and better target their expectations.
  • Cost reduction : By optimising synergies between sales and communications channels, it is often possible to achieve economies of scale and thus increase a company's profitability.

The keys to implementing an effective cross-channel strategy

To successfully implement a cross-channel strategy, brands need to adopt certain best practices:

Encouraging communication between teams

It is essential that the employees in charge of the various channels (physical shops, website, social networks, etc.) are able to communicate effectively and exchange information about customers. Rigorous monitoring of sales and marketing actions will enable us to observe their overall impact.

Setting up a shared technology platform

To make it easier to coordinate actions and share information between the various channels, we recommend using a common technological platform to centralise data and simplify overall management.

Customise the offer on each channel

The specific characteristics of each channel need to be taken into account in order to offer customers the best possible experience. For example, a user may be looking for more opinions and advice on social networks, while they expect smooth navigation and optimum accessibility on a website.

Developments and trends: towards omnichannel retailing

While cross-channel is an important step in the evolution of distribution methods, some companies are now seeking to go even further by adopting an "omnichannel" approach. The aim of this approach is to offer a fully integrated, seamless customer experience across all points of contact with the brand.

So omnichannel is not just about integrating different sales channels, but also encompassing all the aspects that can affect the consumer: stock, logistics, customer service, communication media, etc. It is therefore a natural evolution of cross-channel strategy, and will surely be a major challenge for brands in the years to come. It is therefore a natural evolution of the cross-channel strategy and will surely represent a major challenge for brands in the years to come.

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