Master the definition of CRO to optimise your conversion rate

Through our Digital Agency Optimize 360

In the world of digital marketing, a company's success often depends on its ability to generate conversions.

To achieve this objective, professionals are turning to a systems approach based on analysing and improving the customer journey, with the aim of maximising their customer retention rate. conversion.

This strategy is called CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)or in French, "optimisation du conversion rate ". In this article, we'll give you all the keys you need to better understand the CRO concept and learn how to use it effectively.


What is the CRO?

Le CRO, or Conversion Rate Optimizationis a set of techniques designed to increase the number of important actions carried out by visitors to a website. website (purchases, registrations, downloads, etc.), and thus improve their conversion rate. The aim is to propose solutions to the problems encountered by web users, by identifying the potential obstacles that are holding back the desired actions, and putting in place adjustments to remedy them.

The usefulness of CRO in an online marketing context

Achieving a good conversion rate can be decisive for the profitability of an online business. A high conversion rate means that more visitors are turned into paying customers, which directly increases sales and generates a higher return on investment (ROI).

Improving the user experience

One of the fundamental steps in the CRO process is to propose a user experience by simplifying navigation, reducing page load times and presenting information in a clear and accessible way.

Internet users are often impatient and competition between websites is fierce, so it's essential to optimise every aspect of your site to encourage visits and facilitate conversions.

Increase the visibility of your offers

The CRO strategy also focuses on highlighting the offers, products or services provided by the site. Elements such as calls-to-action, registration forms and product sheets must be properly implemented to encourage visitors to take an action that the site owner considers important.

Monitor and measure site performance

The success of a CRO campaign depends on the ability to track and analyse data relating to actions taken by visitors, such as the number of sales, the rate of clicks on important links and the shopping basket abandonment rate. This information makes it possible to identify areas for improvement on the site and adapt the methods used as they are applied.

Web analysis: Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the essential tools for the CRO. It is used to collect and analyse a large amount of data about site visitors, such as their geographical location, the average length of sessions and the pages most frequently consulted. This information is then used to guide the strategic choices to be made as part of the CRO, in order to improve the site's efficiency and increase the conversion rate.

A/B tests

The A/B tests (or sometimes called split tests)are one of the key methods used by CRO professionals to assess the impact of different adjustments on the conversion rate. They involve comparing two versions of the same web page with a sample of visitors, in order to determine which version generates the best conversion rate. This approach gives you the opportunity to test different ideas before deciding which option will be retained and definitively implemented.

Here are a few examples of adjustments frequently made during the CRO:

  • Change the colour or button text to make the call to action more attractive
  • Simplifying forms to reduce the time spent by the user and encourage validation.
  • Add testimonials or customer reviews to reinforce the reassuring aspect of a product or service
  • Organise information more clearly and coherently to facilitate understanding and guide the user towards the desired action

To sum up, the CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) is a set of methods designed to increase the conversion rate by improving the user experience and encouraging visitors to take important actions on a website. By continually analysing site performance and making strategic adjustments, it is possible to maximise the gains generated by visitors and thus achieve targeted business objectives.

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