How do I create a Facebook Business (or Meta Business) account?

by our Social Media Agency Optimize 360

In this article, we take you through the steps involved in creating an account Facebook Business Manager and why this type of account is essential for your marketing campaigns.

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Facebook Business Manager allows businesses to manage their page, advertising and other aspects of their presence on the social network.

This free service helps to simplify the organisation and management of the various marketing tools offered by Facebook.


Facebook Business

The benefits of a Facebook Business Manager account

Before moving on to the creation of the account in question, here are a few reasons why a Facebook Business Manager is essential:

  • Centralised management You can easily manage several Facebook pages and advertising accounts from a single interface.
  • Enhanced security The permissions granted to members of your team are more precise and can be modified according to the needs of each user.
  • Improved collaboration Facebook Business Manager: It's easier to work with other partner companies or agencies by adding them to your Facebook Business Manager account.
  • Powerful analysis tool Facebook Business Manager offers detailed analyses of your performance and provides you with clear reports to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Creating a Facebook Business Manager account: step-by-step

Now that you understand the benefits of using a Facebook Business Manager for your business, here's a step-by-step guide to creating and configuring your account.

1: Go to the Facebook Business website

To get started, visit Facebook Business website. On the home page, click on "Create an account" at the top right of the screen.

2: Log in with your personal Facebook account

Facebook requires you to connect via a personal account for security reasons. Make sure you log in with an account belonging to someone responsible for managing the company page. Personal account information is not visible in Business Manager.

3: Enter your company details

Once you have logged in, you will be asked to provide some essential information about your company, such as :

  • Company name This name will be visible and used on the Facebook Business platform.
  • Professional e-mail address Use an address linked to your company to communicate with your customers or business partners.

It is also at this stage that you will need to select your country and indicate your time zone. Then click on "Continue" to move on to the next step.

4: Add the other information required

You will then be asked to enter your company details, such as your addressyour telephone number and your website. These details will facilitate communication between your company and your customers.

Once you have completed this information, tick the box to confirm that you have read and understood the Business Manager terms of use, then click "Continue".

5: Link your Facebook page

To complete the creation of your Facebook Business Manager account, you'll need to link your Facebook page to it. You can :

  • Add an existing page If you already have a Facebook page for your company, select this option and search for it in the list.
  • Create a new page If you haven't yet created a Facebook page for your company, choose this option to create a new one.
  • Request access to a page If you are a partner working for a company that already has a Facebook page, use this option to request access to manage it.

Once you have associated or created a Facebook page, click on "Finish" to access the Business Manager platform.

6 Configuring and using your new Facebook Business Manager account

Now that you've created your Facebook Business Manager account, here are a few important steps to set it up and get the most out of it:

7.assign roles and add collaborators

Make sure you give the right permissions to your team by adding members and assigning the different roles available (administrator, advertiser, etc.).

8.add your advertising accounts

Link your existing advertising accounts or create a new one to manage your campaigns directly from the Business Manager.

9 Configure conversion tracking with the Facebook Pixel

Install the Facebook Pixel on your website to analyse the performance of your ads by measuring the actions taken by web users after viewing or interacting with your ads.

10) Use the analysis and optimisation tools offered by Facebook

To improve the effectiveness of your campaigns, take advantage of the many analysis tools and functions offered by Facebook. These tools will help you optimise your results in line with your marketing objectives.

Your Facebook Business Manager account is now ready to be used to organise, manage and control all your marketing activities on Facebook.

Follow this step-by-step guide to successful configuration, then adjust the settings over time as new opportunities and strategies arise to maximise the impact of your campaigns.

FAQ about Facebook Business Manager

Questions asked by Internet users 

What is Facebook Business?

Facebook Business is an integrated platform provided by Facebook that offers a range of tools and services for businesses and brands to help them manage and promote their online presence.

It allows users to create and manage Facebook business pages, launch and track targeted advertising campaigns, access detailed analytics on the performance of their ads and page, and interact effectively with their audience.

In addition, Facebook Business offers features such as Ad Manager, Page Manager and Insights, which help businesses optimise their digital marketing strategy and achieve their business objectives more efficiently.

It is an essential tool for brands looking to increase their visibility and engagement on the world's most popular social network.

What is a Facebook Business Manager account?

A Facebook Business Manager account is a free tool from Facebook designed to centralise and facilitate the management of marketing and advertising resources on Facebook. Instagram. It allows companies to securely manage their Facebook pages, advertising accounts, product catalogues and other content. hearings.

With Business Manager, users can also assign specific roles and permissions to different team members, giving them controlled access to important company resources.

This system is particularly useful for large companies or agencies managing multiple accounts and advertising campaigns, as it provides a clear overview of all activities.

It also facilitates collaboration between teams and external partners, while ensuring the security of company information.

Facebook Business Manager is therefore an essential tool for digital marketing professionals looking to optimise their advertising strategy on Facebook Inc. platforms.

Why meta business?

"Meta business" generally refers to the commercial strategy of Meta Platforms, Inc, formerly known as Facebook, Inc.

This strategy focuses on the exploitation and expansion of various digital services and platforms beyond the simple Facebook social network.

The idea behind the 'meta business' concept is to create an integrated ecosystem that includes not only Facebook, but also other platforms and services such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus VR.

The main aim of this strategy is to diversify the company's sources of revenue and innovation, while increasing user engagement and offering new advertising and e-commerce opportunities.

By focusing on 'meta business', Meta Platforms aims to position itself not only as a leader in social media, but also as a major player in augmented reality, virtual reality and other emerging technologies.

This approach also aims to anticipate and shape the future of digital and social interaction online, by creating immersive and innovative experiences for users and businesses.

How do I create a Meta Business account?

To create an account Meta BusinessAlso known as the Facebook Business Manager account, here are the steps to follow:

    1. Visit the Meta Business website: Go to and click on the "Create an account" button.

    2. Identification : Log in using your personal Facebook login. Please note that your personal information will not be visible on your Business Manager account.

    3. Create your Business Manager account : Enter your company details, including the company name, your name and your business email address.

    4. Configure your account : After creating your account, you can add your Facebook business page, create advertising accounts, add people to manage your account and connect your other business assets like Instagram and WhatsApp.

    5. Add collaborators : You can invite colleagues to join your Business Manager account by assigning them different roles and permissions, depending on their responsibilities.

    6. Managing your assets : Once your account is set up, you can use Business Manager to manage your pages, your advertising accounts, your audiences, your pixels and other important assets for your marketing campaigns.

We recommend that you regularly check your account settings to ensure the security and efficiency of your management. Meta Business Manager is a powerful tool for centralising the management of your marketing resources on Meta platforms.

How do I use Facebook Business?

To use Facebook Business effectively, also known as Facebook Business Suite or Business Manager, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Facebook Business : Log in to your account at

    2. Configuring your Facebook Page : If you don't already have a Facebook Page for your business, create one. Otherwise, link your existing Page to your Facebook Business account.

    3. Manage your ads : Use the Ad Manager to create, manage and analyse your advertising campaigns. This tool offers advanced features for targeting your audience, defining your budget and tracking the performance of your ads.

    4. Insights and analytics : Use Facebook's analysis tools to obtain detailed data on the engagement of your audience, the reach of your publications and the effectiveness of your ads.

    5. Publication and planning : Plan and publish content directly from Facebook Business. You can manage both organic and paid publications.

    6. Responding to interactions : Use the unified messaging tool to reply to messages, comments and mentions from Facebook and Instagram all in one place.

    7. Use of personalised audiences : Create personalised audiences to target existing or similar customers based on past interactions with your business.

    8. Integration with Instagram and other tools : Connect your Instagram account to manage your Instagram posts and ads from the same place.

    9. Security and access : Manage access and permissions for your team, ensuring that each member has the appropriate level of access for their role.

    10. Learning and support : Explore the educational resources provided by Facebook to learn how to make better use of the tools and improve your digital marketing strategies.

By following these steps, you can maximise the effectiveness of your online presence and advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.

Is meta business free?

Meta Business, also known as Facebook Business Suite or Business Manager, is effectively free. Companies can create and use a Meta Business account free of charge. This tool offers a number of features with no associated costs, such as :

    • Managing Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts.
    • Access to the Ad Manager to create and manage campaigns.
    • The use of Facebook Analytics to track the performance of the page and advertisements.
    • The ability to configure and use customised audiences.
    • Assigning different roles and permissions to team members for secure management.

However, it is important to note that although access to and use of the Meta Business platform is free, the ads themselves are not.

Companies have to pay to run ads on Facebook and Instagram. The cost of these ads varies depending on a number of factors, such as audience targeting, the duration of the campaign and the type of ad.

In short, although the Meta Business platform offers a number of management and analysis tools free of charge, advertising on Meta's social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, requires an advertising budget.

Why use meta business?

Using Meta Business, also known as Facebook Business Suite or Business Manager, has a number of advantages for businesses and digital marketing professionals:

    1. Centralised management : Meta Business lets you manage multiple Facebook pages, advertising accounts and Instagram profiles from a single interface, making social media management more organised and efficient.

    2. Safety and Control : It offers greater control over access to resources and data, enabling specific roles and permissions to be assigned to team members, increasing the security of company information.

    3. Advanced targeting tools : The platform provides sophisticated advertising targeting tools, enabling businesses to reach specific audiences based on criteria such as age, location, interests and more.

    4. Analysis and Reporting : It offers detailed analysis and reporting tools, enabling companies to measure the performance of their pages and advertising campaigns, gain insights into their audience, and optimise accordingly.

    5. Advertising Multichannel : Users can create and manage advertising campaigns on both Facebook and Instagram, maximising the reach and effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

    6. Optimising Resources : The platform enables advertising resources to be used more efficiently, helping companies to spend their budgets more strategically to achieve a better return on investment.

    7. Improving Customer Engagement : Meta Business facilitates interaction with customers, centralising messages and comments from different platforms for a faster, more organised response.

    8. Accessibility and ease of use : The interface is user-friendly and accessible, even for non-technology experts, making online presence management more accessible to all types of business.

In short, Meta Business is a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their digital marketing, increase their online visibility and engage more effectively with their audience on social media platforms.

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