Definition of Core Web Vitals

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Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics used by Google to assess the overall quality and performance of websites.

They are designed to improve theuser experience by assessing factors such as loading speedinteractivity and visual stability.

These metrics are essential to ensure that the site runs smoothly and remains healthy.

Core Web Vitals are measured by Google and can be found in Google's Essential Web Signals report. Search Console.

Our SEo Agency recommends that you regularly evaluate these metrics in order to identify areas for improvement and take the necessary measures to optimise the performance of your site and its SEO.

Core Web Vitals

Understanding the three main Core Web Vitals metrics

Google has identified three important metrics for websites that provide a better understanding of their performance and user experience. These three key metrics are :

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures the speed with which the page displays its main content
  2. First Input Delay (FID) time required for the user to interact with the page
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) : determines the visual stability when the site scrolls and loads.

Focus on Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

The LCP assesses the loading speed of the main content of a page by measuring the time elapsed between the start of loading and the moment when the largest element is loaded. visible is shown. A good result for this metric is considered to be below 2.5 seconds.

How to optimise Largest Contentful Paint

      • Reduce server response times Improve server performance by using CDN or by setting up a cache .
      • Optimising images compress the size of your image files to reduce loading time.
      • Minimising blocking scripts avoid cascading files JavaScript and CSS which delay the loading of content.

Focus on First Input Delay (FID)

FID considers the speed with which the user can interact with a page once it has been loaded. The metric takes into account the time taken for the browser to respond to the user's first action with a delay of between 0 and 300 ms. Ideally, your site should score less than 100 ms for this metric.

How to optimise First Input Delay

      • Splitting JavaScript code executes only what is essential for the initial loading of the page.
      • Using a service worker allows the browser to process events in the background during the initial loading of the site.
      • Optimising script synchronisation to prevent the CPU from being overloaded when the user wants to interact with the page.

Focus on Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS measures the visual stability of a page by calculating the sum of unexpected shifts that occur during loading or scrolling. Google recommends a score of less than 0.1 for this metric.

How to optimise the Cumulative Layout Shift

      • Specify the dimensions of images and videos allows browsers to reserve the necessary space, thus avoiding lags.
      • Avoid dynamic content insertion can also help to limit the risk of page layout mismatches.
      • Load fonts before content to prevent style changes being applied to the text.

Analyse and improve your Core Web Vitals with Google Search Console

To identify areas for improvement on your site and track the performance of Web Core Vitals, you can use Google Search Console. This tool provides a detailed report on LCP, FID and CLS, as well as suggestions for optimising each metric.

Identify areas for improvement

The Essential Web Signals report allows you to easily consult the list of URL which can be improved in terms of LCP, FID and CLS. By clicking on a specific metric, you can identify the pages concerned and access detailed information to better understand the problems detected.

Prioritise the actions to be taken

Your objective should be to correct these problems to provide an optimal user experience. It is advisable to start with the metric showing the highest number of pages reported as having a problem. This will enable you to maximise the impact of your optimisation actions.

Maintaining performance: tips for effective monitoring

To ensure the best possible performance over the long term, it's crucial to regularly monitor your site's Core Web Vitals and implement optimisation strategies based on the results obtained. Here are a few tips for effective monitoring:

  • Monitoring indicators Check the Search Console reports regularly to identify potential problems.
  • Carry out regular tests Use tools such as PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse to evaluate your site's performance in real-life conditions.
  • Working with your team : work together with your developers, designers and copywriters to address the problems identified and take appropriate action.

By keeping a close eye on your site's Core Web Vitals, you'll be able to maintain a high level of performance and offer your users an optimal browsing experience.

This can result in increased traffic, improved brand awareness and increased customer loyalty.

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