Definition of Google Core Up dates

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The basic updates or core updates are modifications made by Google to its algorithm to improve the relevance and quality of search results.

As the owner of websiteTo optimise your search engine ranking, it is essential to understand these changes.

Our SEO Agency explains it all here:

core up dates

What is a Google algorithm update?

An update of theGoogle algorithm refers to a change or series of changes made by Google to its website ranking system.

This can affect the positioning of a large number of websites in the search results, depending on the criteria modified by Google. The main aim of core updates is to improve the quality of the results offered to Internet users.

Origin of core updates

The first major update to the Google algorithm came in 2000, with Google Toolbar and PageRank.

Since then, many other updates have been made. Some updates are minor and have little impact on site rankings, while others can have a significant impact on the visibility of certain websites. As a webmasterKeep abreast of changes in the search engine so that you can adapt your search engine optimisation strategy as necessary.

Types of Google core updates: broad core updates and targeted updates

There are two main types of Google algorithm updates: the broad core updates and specific updates, also known as targeted updates.

Broad core updates

The broad core updates are global changes made to the Google algorithm to improve the quality and relevance of search results. They generally impact a large number of websites without any specific orientation. Google generally carries out several broad core updates per year. For webmasters, it is important to follow these updates and analyse their effects in order to adapt their SEO strategy accordingly.

Targeted updates

The targeted updates are more specific changes that concern a specific aspect of the Google algorithm, such as the duplicate content or the one relating to inbound and outbound links. Unlike broad core updates, these can only affect certain business sectors or certain types of website.

For example, some targeted updates are designed to combat abusive practices by certain websites, such as the creation of low-quality content or the excessive use of sponsored links.

How do core updates impact website positioning?

Core updates can affect the ranking of websites in search results in a number of ways:

  • Modification of the weight given to referencing criteria : Google can decide to give more or less importance to certain elements such as the quality of the content, the loading speed of the site, theuser experience (UX), etc.
  • Add or delete criteria : A new element can be taken into account to assess the relevance of a website, or an existing criterion can be removed if it is deemed obsolete.
  • Improved detection of bad practices : The Google algorithm is constantly being improved to detect and penalise sites that use abusive referencing techniques to manipulate their ranking.

Impact on websites

The consequences of a core update for a website vary depending on the type and extent of the update. It is possible for a site's ranking to be improved, unchanged or deteriorated as a result of a core update.

For webmasters, it is essential to regularly analyse the changes made by Google in order to avoid being penalised and to be able to seize new referencing opportunities.

This involves consulting reliable sources of information about updates to the Google algorithm, setting up precise monitoring of traffic and website positioning, and devising a flexible and adaptive SEO strategy.

A few tips for adapting your strategy in the face of core updates

To optimise your website in line with changes in the Google algorithm, follow these few tips:

  1. Focus on quality rather than quantity: Create content with high added value that really meets your customers' expectations audience. Avoid plagiarism and duplicate content.
  2. Make your site responsive and easy to navigate: Compatibility with different devices (particularly mobiles) and ease of navigation have become important criteria for Google. You should also work on the loading speed of your site.
  3. Get quality inbound links: The number and, above all, the quality of backlinks play an important role in Google ranking. Learn how to recognise reliable and relevant sites to obtain natural links.
  4. Update your content frequently: Out-of-date information can damage your ranking. Make sure you update your site regularly and delete out-of-date information.
  5. Be attentive and responsive: In the face of Google updates, active monitoring and rapid reaction are essential to adapt your site and maintain a good ranking.

In short, it is crucial for webmasters keep a close eye on Google's core updates. Understanding the changes, adapting to them and maintaining an optimised website will be key to continuing to benefit from organic traffic from the search engine.

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