Understanding the conversion tunnel: definition and main stages

Le tunnel conversionalso known as the conversion funnel or customer journey, is a fundamental concept in digital marketing.

In a context where every visitor counts towards sales objectives, it is essential to master the different stages of the conversion tunnel in order to optimise its effectiveness and maximise results.

So how do you define this tunnel? What are its key stages?

Our Digital Marketing Agency explains:

Conversion tunnel

What is the conversion tunnel?

Le conversion tunnel is a model that illustrates the process a user goes through when performing a desired action on a website (for example, buying a product, subscribing to an newsletteretc.).

It is made up of several stages, representing the different interactions between the user and the company. The main objective of the conversion tunnel is to transform a simple visitor into a loyal customer.

This model enables marketing professionals to monitor and analyse the performance of their site in terms of conversionsIn other words, the passage from one level of the tunnel to the next. It thus helps to detect friction points in the customer journey, those that prevent or slow down progress towards the final stage.

The key stages in the conversion tunnel

To optimise your marketing strategy and achieve your objectives, it is essential to understand the different stages of the conversion tunnel. Here they are:

  1. Awareness
  2. L'intérêt (Interest)
  3. Consideration
  4. Action (Action)
  5. Loyalty

1. Awareness

This first stage represents the moment when a user discovers your brand or your offer for the first time. This may be a prospect who comes across your site through a search on GoogleSomeone who clicks on an advertising banner or someone who discovers your content via social networks.

The aim here is not necessarily to make an immediate sale, but rather to promote your companyIt's all about creating a link with the user and arousing their interest in your products or services. To achieve this, it is essential to offer quality content that is tailored to your target audience and consistent with your values.

2. Interest

Once they are aware of your offer, users enter the interest phase.

It is during this stage that they will look for additional information on your products and services, compare prices, read the latest news, and so on. customer reviewsetc. The aim is to convince them that you are the best option on the market!

To increase the prospect's interest, you need to highlight your selling pointsoffer a user experience fluid and enjoyable (simple navigation, responsive site, etc.) and use tools such as the remarketing to stay in the visitor's mind without being too intrusive.

3. Consideration

At this stage, the user is still hesitating between several options and is taking the time to weigh up the pros and cons before making a decision. It is important to continue to feed his interest by proposing new content (news articles blog) and providing them with all the information they need to help them in their thinking.

It's also an opportunity to stand out from the competition by highlighting your specific strengths, whether they be your expertise, the quality of your products or your excellent customer service.

4. Action (Action)

The action stage corresponds to the moment when the user achieves the desired objective, be it a purchase, a newsletter subscription or a request for a quote. To encourage users to take action, it is essential to facilitate the process and make each stage secure (for example, by offering several payment methods, securing transactions, guaranteeing the confidentiality of personal data, etc.).

It's also important to avoid friction that could cause users to give up along the way, such as pages that load too slowly, forms that take too long to fill in or calls-to-action that are not very visible.

5. Loyalty

Even after the desired action has been taken, the work doesn't stop there! It's vital to turn a one-off customer into a loyal one who comes back regularly and recommends your products and services to friends and family.

To do this, focus on the quality of your after-sales service, offer personalised deals or encourage commitment via social networks or a sponsorship programme.

La loyalty is a crucial stage in the conversion tunnel, because retaining a customer generally costs less than acquiring a new one. What's more, a satisfied customer naturally becomes an ambassador and a vector of growth for your company!

To find out more...

Beyond these key stages in the conversion tunnel, it is essential to measure and analyse your performance regularly in order to identify areas for improvement and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly.

The use of tools such as Google Analytics or customer journey management software is highly recommended to optimise your conversion tunnel according to the behaviour and expectations of your visitors.

Finally, don't forget that an effective conversion tunnel is based first and foremost on a thorough understanding of your target audience and the challenges facing your market.

In short, it's about making sure that each stage of the sales funnel is optimised to best meet the needs and expectations of your potential customers. ( Inbound Marketing )

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