Conversion. Definition & explanations

by our SEO Agency and our SEA Agency Optimize 360

In the world of digital marketing conversion is a key concept to measure the effectiveness of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) strategies and SEA (Search Engine Advertising).

Thanks to the development of machine learningIn this way, it is possible to significantly improve the performance of these traffic acquisition levers.

In this article, our SEO Agency (and SEA) explores the definition of conversion and its usefulness in the context of SEO and SEA, as well as the benefits of machine learning for optimising results.


Conversion: a key concept in digital marketing

Before looking at the specifics of machine learning as applied to SEO or SEA, we need to look at the concept of conversion, which lies at the heart of the approach. Conversion is theaction carried out by a user following his visit to a websiteThis action is considered an objective for the site owner.

These actions can be many and varied, depending on the objectives pursued by the site:

  • Buying a product
  • Register for a newsletter
  • Downloading content
  • Contact via a form

Conversion should not be confused with transformation, the latter term referring rather to a passage from one state to another, without necessarily achieving a specific objective.

SEO and SEA: the traffic acquisition levers to optimise

SEO and SEA are two essential digital marketing levers for generating traffic to a website with the aim of improving the conversions. To do this, it is essential to have a clear understanding of their respective uses.

SEO: search engine optimisation

Le Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consists of a series of actions designed to improve a site's visibility in natural search results and thus increase its targeted traffic. These actions include

    1. Technical optimisation of the site :
      • loading time
      • mobile compatibility
    2. Content production and optimisation:
      • hard-hitting texts tailored to keyword searches
      • image quality
    3. Work on site popularity:
      • inbound links
      • share on social networks

When we talk about conversion in SEO, we are talking aboutattract qualified traffic to the site and maximise the likelihood of users taking the desired action.

SEA: search engine advertising

Alongside SEO, the Search Engine Advertising (SEA) is a paid solution for buying visibility on search engines and generating targeted traffic. SEA is mainly based on :

    1. Setting up advertising campaigns based on the purchase of keywords
    2. Creation and optimisation of text and display ads
    3. Analysis of campaign performance to adjust budgets and bids

With SEA, the aim is also to maximise conversions while keeping acquisition costs under control.

Machine learning and deep learning: what can they do for SEO and SEA?

Machine learning is an innovative technology that involves developing algorithms capable of learning automatically from data. The principle is based on an iterative approach that reveals predictable patterns.

Improving SEO strategies using machine learning

Machine learning offers considerable potential for optimising SEO actions. Some of the areas where this technology can be exploited include :

    • La content classification to improve their qualifications and visibility
    • La detection of toxic links to prevent search engine penalties
    • L'adapting and personalising content based on user expectations
    • La trend prediction to anticipate and adapt your SEO strategy

Optimising SEA campaigns using deep learning

Deep learning, a sub-branch of machine learning based on deep artificial neural networks, can also be applied to the SEA field to improve the performance of advertising campaigns. Here are a few examples of applications:

    • La automated auction management to optimise cost per conversion and maximise return on investment
    • La precise segmentation of hearings to target relevant prospects more effectively
    • Le automatic A/B testing ads to identify the best combinations of titles, descriptions and images
    • La intelligent keyword management to adapt bids in real time according to performance

The benefits of machine learning for SEO and SEA conversion

To sum up, integrating machine learning into SEO and SEA campaigns enables :

  1. Refining strategies to better understand what works and what doesn't and adjust actions accordingly
  2. Improvinguser experience thanks to content that is better targeted and tailored to expectations
  3. Optimising acquisition costs by acting on the relevant levers to maximise conversions
  4. Anticipating change the market and search engines to adapt your strategy ahead of the competition

In the final analysis, machine learning appears to be an innovative response that can enhance the effectiveness of SEO and SEA strategies in meeting conversion targets.

This technology makes it possible to stand out from the crowd in a constantly evolving digital world.

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