Understanding SEO content strategy consulting in 10 points

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

Content strategy consultancy

In the world of digital marketing, the content strategy consultancy SEO is an essential component in ensuring the visibility and relevance of a website.

But what exactly does this mean?

This article sets out the main aspects of this approach in 10 points.

Content strategy consultancy

1. Search engine optimisation (SEO)

The main aim of SEO content strategy consulting is tooptimising website content to improve its ranking in search engine results, such as Google. This positioning is the result of a good referencing also known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

2. Initial audit and competitive analysis

Before planning and implementing an SEO content strategy, it is essential to carry out a initial audit of the site concerned, as well as a competitive analysis. These two steps help to determine the strengths and weaknesses that need to be corrected, and to identify the opportunities that can be exploited to stand out from other similar sites.

3. Choice of keywords

The next step is to choose the keywords which will be at the heart of the SEO content strategy. To select them, you need to take a number of factors into account: the popularity of the keyword, i.e. its frequency of use by Internet users; the relevance of the keyword in relation to existing content, and its ability to attract a large number of visitors. qualified traffic.

4. Creation of SEO-optimised content

SEO content strategy consulting also includes the creation of content optimised for natural referencing. This content must be structured using HTML include the selected keywords, and above all offer quality information, tailored to the expectations of web users and responding to their searches.

5. Setting up a logical and coherent architecture

The organisation of the website also needs to be considered as part of an SEO content strategy. The implementation of a logical and coherent architecturewith structured menus and sub-menus, not only facilitates the user experience, but also enables search engines to better index and understand the site's content.

6. Use of meta tags and other technical elements

Certain meta tags and other technical elements are essential for optimising natural referencing. These include title, description, H1, H2, etc. tags, robots.txt and sitemap.xml, the presence of an SSL certificate, and mobile compatibility..

7. Regular publication and updating of content

SEO content strategy consultancy emphasises the importance of a regular publication and updating the information on the website. This updating ensures that the offer remains relevant and, above all, that it complies with changes in legislation. algorithms search engines, which attach increasing importance to fresh, new content.

8. Management of internal and external links

As part of an SEO content strategy, it is also crucial to properly manage the internal and external links. The first, called internal networking "These consist of creating connections between the different pages of the website to make it easier for visitors to navigate and discover new content. The external linksBacklinks are links from other sites to your site, contributing to its authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

9. Performance monitoring and analysis

To adjust and continually improve your SEO content strategy, it is essential to monitor and analyse the following website performanceThis is particularly important in terms of traffic, conversion, positioning in search engine results, etc. Tools such as Google Analytics or Google Search Console will be invaluable in this process.

10. Personalised advice tailored to each project

Finally, an SEO content strategy consultancy must be customised and adapted to each websiteThis will depend on your objectives, your sector of activity, your target audience and many other specific criteria. Using a consultant or specialist agency can be very useful in developing and implementing this strategy, and in achieving the desired results.

In short, SEO content strategy consultancy takes many elements into account in order to optimise a website's visibility and impact on search engines. From the choice of keywords to the creation of optimised content, via the management of internal and external links, this global approach aims to improve the positioning of a company or brand in this digital universe.

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