Understanding content management platforms

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What is a content management platform?

In the web world, the need to create, manage and update websites has become a priority for many companies and individuals.

The Content Management System (CMS) platforms. CMS) are there to simplify this task by providing a user-friendly environment for creating, modifying and administering a website without the need for programming skills.

In this article, we'll explore what a content management platform is and what its main features are.

Content management platform

What is a content management platform?

A content management platform is a software which enables users to create, edit and organise digital content on a website. It generally offers a graphical and intuitive interface to make it easy to learn, even for novice users. Content management platforms enable individuals and businesses to design modern, high-performance websites without requiring extensive knowledge of computer code.

Key features of content management platforms

Content management platforms often offer a set of key functions that make it easier to design and edit websites:

  • Media Manager Multimedia files: allows you to import, store and organise multimedia files such as images, videos and PDF documents.
  • Intuitive text editor WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface makes it easy to create and edit text content.
  • Theme customisation Themes: the option of choosing from several pre-defined themes or designing a bespoke theme to adapt the appearance of the website to your brand image.
  • Menu and navigation manager makes it easier to create and structure navigation within the website.
  • Integration of extensions and add-ons The new "Extensions" module: offers the possibility of adding extra functionality to the website by integrating various extensions developed by the community.

The benefits of using a content management platform


Content management platforms are designed to be accessible even to people who do not master computer code. They offer simple, intuitive tools that enable the vast majority of aspects of a website to be managed effectively without the need for in-depth technical knowledge.


Content management platforms generally offer great flexibility in terms of customisation and development. Users can add, modify and delete content easily, while benefiting from a solid and secure infrastructure. CMSs also offer the possibility of extending website functionality by integrating complementary modules developed by the community.


Content management platforms often offer a system for collaboration between several users. This allows a team to work together on the same project, with everyone having access to the different tools and resources needed to contribute effectively. Most content management platforms also have a system of rights and roles that can be configured to ensure that each user only has access to the functionality intended for them.

Some popular content management platforms

There are many content management platforms available on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most popular platforms:

  1. WordPress WordPress: undoubtedly the most popular content management platform in the world, WordPress is particularly appreciated for its ease of use and its large community of users and developers. Ideal for creating blogsWordPress also offers a multitude of extensions and customisable themes to extend its functionality.
  2. Joomla Joomla: another very popular content management platform, Joomla is often seen as offering greater flexibility for more complex projects, as well as a more advanced management structure than WordPress. Joomla is ideal for websites requiring elaborate navigation and fine-grained management of access rights.
  3. Drupal Drupal is a very powerful and flexible open-source content management platform used by large organisations. It offers great flexibility in terms of development and customisation, but requires a little more technical knowledge to be exploited to its full potential.
  4. Shopify Shopify: specially designed for creating and managing online shops, Shopify is a web platform for electronic commerce an all-in-one solution offering key functionalities such as inventory management, payment processing and integration with the main online sales channels.

Ultimately, choosing the best content management platform will depend on the specific needs of each project, the technical skills of the users and the budget available. Don't hesitate to explore the different options and ask around the community to find the solution best suited to your situation.

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