Understanding the confirmation tag in SEO

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

Le referencing or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving the visibility of your website on search engines such as Google.

One of the techniques used by SEO specialists is the use of HTMLincluding the confirmation tag.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of this tag and how to use it effectively in 10 points.

confirmation tag

What is a confirmation tag?

The confirmation tag is an HTML element used to verify the ownership of a website with the management and tracking tools offered by search engines, in particular Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools.

This tag informs search engines that you are the legitimate owner of the site and authorises access to information and reports concerning its performance and optimisation.

Why use a confirmation tag?

There are several advantages to using a confirmation tag:

  • Access to management and monitoring tools : Once the tag has been added to your site, it validates your property and gives you access to all the functions offered by platforms such as Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Monitoring the performance of your site : The confirmation tag also allows you to track the number of visitors, the time spent on your pages, the keywords used to reach your site and many other relevant indicators.
  • Search engine optimisation : Validating your property also gives you access to personalised advice and recommendations for improving your site's ranking in search engine results.

How do I add a confirmation tag?

There are several steps to adding this tag:

  1. Register or connect to the management and monitoring platform of your choice, such as Google Search Console.
  2. Add your website by indicating its URL (address) in the interface.
  3. Select the "HTML tag" or "meta tag" verification method, depending on the options available.
  4. Copy the code provided by the platform.
  5. Paste this code in the  tag on your site, just before the .
  6. Save the changes you have made to your site.
  7. Return to the management platform and confirm that you have added the tag by clicking on the button provided.
  8. Wait a few moments for the search engines to take the modification into account and confirm the validation.

Important note

It is essential to check that the tag is correctly inserted and that it has not been modified by mistake. To do this, display your site's source code by pressing the F12 key or by using your browser's development options, then look for the tag to make sure that it corresponds to the code initially supplied.

Mistakes to avoid when adding a confirmation tag

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using confirmation tags:

  • Accidental deletion of the : Make sure you do not delete this tag when you update your website so that you can continue to access the management and tracking tools.
  • Failure to respect syntax : When inserting the code provided, be sure to copy and paste it as is, without making any changes, to avoid a markup error that could compromise its correct operation.
  • The addition of multiple : Avoid adding several confirmation tags unless it is necessary to use different tools (for example Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools). Too many tags could reduce the weight of your page and slow down its loading time.

Possible alternatives to the confirmation tag

Although we have seen that the confirmation tag offers many advantages, there are other verification methods that allow you to take advantage of management and tracking tools for your site:

  • The HTML file : You can upload a specific HTML file supplied by the platform to your server, at the root of your site.
  • The modification of the DNS : This method involves adding a TXT record to the DNS zone of your domain name. This generally requires the intervention of your web host or registrar.

However, these alternatives also have their advantages and disadvantages (for example, the HTML file may be deleted during an update). It is therefore important to choose the method that best suits your needs and technical skills.

The confirmation tag is a key element in natural referencing, enabling you to validate the ownership of your website with the search engines and to access the performance data you need to optimise it. When adding this tag, make sure you follow the steps outlined above and avoid common mistakes to take full advantage of the benefits it offers.

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