Infographics: a key tool for digital marketing

by our Digital Agency Optimize 360

Computer graphics

With the rise of the Internet and social networks, the digital marketing has become a crucial issue for companies.

Against this backdrop, thecomputer graphics is an essential tool for capturing the attention and interest of Internet users.

But what iscomputer graphicsWhat are its uses in digital marketing?

Computer graphics

Definition of computer graphics

L'computer graphics is a technique used to represent information graphically, in the form of drawings, diagrams or pictograms. The term "computer graphics" is a contraction of the words "information" and "graphic".

The aim of this process is to simplify complex or voluminous data and make it easier to understand, by visualising it in an attractive and concise way.

The advantages of infographics in digital marketing

Computer graphics offer several major advantages for digital marketing professionals:

  • It makes it easier to understand By representing information visually, it allows web users to quickly grasp key messages without having to read long texts.
  • It captures attention With its aesthetic and colourful appearance, it's an instant eye-catcher and encourages Internet users to take a closer look.
  • It helps you remember things Our brains are far more likely to remember visual information than simple written text. Infographics are therefore more memorable than other content formats.
  • It encourages sharing Infographics: as an attractive, hard-hitting communication medium, infographics appeal to Internet users, who are quick to share them on social networks.

By incorporating infographics into your digital marketing strategy, you canoptimise the impact of your messages and increase its visibility among its audience target.

The different types of computer graphics

Computer graphics can be divided into several categories according to the type of information they convey and the way in which they are presented:

  1. Static computer graphics These are the most common and take the form of a still image (JPEG, PNGetc.) and can be easily inserted on a website or a publication by blog.

  2. Interactive computer graphics They incorporate clickable elements or trigger actions when the mouse is hovered over them (zoom, display of additional data, etc.). They offer a user experience richer and more immersive.

  3. Animated computer graphics These are produced in the form of a video or animated gif and set the graphic elements in motion to make the presentation even more dynamic and engaging.

  4. 3D computer graphics They use three-dimensional representations to add a touch of originality and reinforce the visual impact.

The main uses of computer graphics in digital marketing

Infographics can be deployed for a variety of purposes as part of a digital marketing strategy:

1. Making the most of figures

Computer graphics can be used to highlight key statisticsThey make the figures much less daunting and easier to understand for the general public. They make the figures much less boring and easier for the general public to assimilate. Companies with a website, for example, can regularly produce infographics on their results to keep their customers and partners informed.

2. Explain a concept or process

There's nothing like a computer graphics to demystify a complex subject! Indeed, the explanatory diagramsDiagrams and illustrations are effective ways of summarising ideas and clearly explaining logical sequences. A company offering innovative solutions needs to know how to use this format to explain its offering in simple terms and demonstrate its added value.

3. Promote your products or services

Computer graphics are an excellent way of presenting the features of a product, the steps involved in using a service or the associated customer benefits in an original and powerful way. By combining attractive visual elements to relevant, well-structured information, it helps to strengthen the brand image and arouse consumer interest.

4. Making the most of your expertise

By regularly creating infographics on subjects related to its sector of activity, a company can demonstrate its knowledge of the market and assert its role as a leader in its By publishing this content on its website or via professional social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter), it increases its credibility with its audience and positions itself as a benchmark in its field.

5. Optimising natural referencing (SEO)

Incorporating infographics into your web content is a good way of improving your image. positioning on search enginesin particular Google.

Internet users are more inclined to stay on a page with explanatory and engaging images for longer, which has a positive impact on the criteria of referencing.

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