Clickbait in SEO: 10 points to decipher this practice

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

The world of the web is constantly evolving, and every day the methods used to attract the attention of Internet users are becoming more and more ingenious.

One of these techniques has become increasingly popular in recent years: clickbait.

what is clickbait in SEO ?

How does it work and why is it so heavily criticised?

Here's a look at 10 key aspects of this practice.


1. Definition of clickbait

Le clickbait (also known as the "click trap") refers to the strategy of using catchy, sensationalist headlines to entice users to click on a link or web page.

The aim is therefore to increase traffic to a piece of content without necessarily adding any real value for visitors.

2. The main characteristics of clickbait

Here are some of the most common features of clickbait titles:

  • Exaggerated or unrealistic promises
  • Sensationalism
  • A call to curiosity
  • Emotional tone
  • Formulation in the form of an open question or challenge
  • Intensive use of superlatives and qualifying adjectives
  • Mystery surrounding the content ("you'll never believe what happened")

3. Examples of clickbait titles

Here are some examples of typical clickbait titles:

  • "This technique will change your life in just 5 minutes!"
  • "The secrets doctors don't want you to know!"
  • "He's testing this incredible trick and the results are amazing!
  • "You'll never guess which star has been seen in this unusual location!

4. Clickbait and SEO

Le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is designed to improve the visibility of a website and its content. website on search engine results such as Google. The use of clickbait can have an impact on SEO as it helps to increase traffic to a site or page, but beware: search engines are now capable of detecting abusive techniques and can penalise a site that uses deceptive practices.

5. Why is clickbait criticised?

The main reason why clickbait is decried is the sense of disappointment that users generally feel after clicking on the link in question. Clickbait headlines often promise surprising or particularly interesting information, but the reality of the content may be quite different. Internet users then feel cheated and frustrated.

6. Negative consequences for sites using clickbait

While it is true that clickbait can artificially increase traffic to a website, the practice is far from risk-free:

  • Tarnished reputation among users
  • Audience less loyal and less committed (bounce rate high)
  • Possible dereferencing by search engines if the practice is deemed abusive

7. How to avoid the clickbait trap?

To avoid falling into the temptation of clickbait and adopt a SEO strategy healthier, you should give preference to titles that contain :

  • Keywords relevant to your sector of activity and your target audience
  • A realistic and verifiable promise within the content proposed
  • A clear, concise call to action
  • Respect for legibility and syntax

8. Drawing inspiration without copying: taking the best from clickbait to improve your natural referencing

There's no denying that clickbait headlines attract the eye and generate interaction. It would therefore be wise to learn a few lessons from them in order to improve your referencing natural while respecting ethics:

  • Creatively formulate titles
  • Play on curiosity, without sinking into sensationalism
  • Offer content that really delivers on its promises
  • Highlight the concrete interest or usefulness of the content for the user

9. Rely on a solid editorial strategy

Rather than trying to deceive users, it is preferable to build your visibility on a editorial strategy focused on quality and added value. This includes :

  • Regularly produce quality content that meets readers' expectations
  • Develop your expertise and reputation in your field of activity
  • Encourage interactivity (comments, sharing on social networks, etc.)
  • Regularly update your web pages to optimise their freshness and relevance

10. Beware of the pitfalls of clickbait for Internet users

As a user, you should also keep a critical eye on the titles you come across, and be wary of over-promising.

SEO clickbait is therefore a deceptive technique which attracts the attention of Internet users with enticing headlines, but which presents major risks for the reputation and profitability of the site. referencing of a site.

It is better to focus on a solid editorial strategy, based on the quality of content and the relevance of headlines, as well as on adding value for users.

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