What is Botify?

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360

Botify stands out from the crowd of SEO tools thanks to its advanced features and comprehensive approach to SEO.

Let's take a look at the 10 key points that make Botify an essential solution for improving the visibility of your website on search engines such as Google.




Explore valuable information about site activity

With Botify, you can collect and analyse a multitude of data. data on user traffic and behaviour on your website. This tool enables you to identify the most popular pages, seasonal trends and opportunities to be seized in terms of referencing.

Personalised SEO recommendations

Thanks to its advanced algorithms, Botify is able to provide you with concrete and specific recommendations to optimise your natural referencing. These actions target different aspects of SEO, such as site structure, content and inbound and outbound links.

Simplified implementation of recommendations

One of Botify's major assets is its ability to facilitate the implementation of recommended actions. The tool offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface that allows you to follow the recommendations step by step and quickly see the progress you've made in improving your natural search engine optimisation.

SEO performance monitoring

Botify offers a suite ofmonitoring and analysis tools to measure the impact of the actions implemented on your site's SEO. You can evaluate the evolution of your positions in the search results, the volume of traffic generated and the rate of "hits". conversion from visitors to customers.

Adjustments and ongoing optimisation

Based on the results obtained from performance monitoring, you can adjust your SEO actions to continually improve your website's visibility. Botify facilitates this process by offering adjustment suggestions based on analysis of your data and current market trends.

In-depth technical audit of your site

To improve a website's natural referencing, it is essential to correct the technical problems that can prevent it from being properly indexed by search engines. Botify carries out a full audit of the technical structure of your site and highlights any malfunctions that need to be resolved.

Identifying and correcting errors

The elements analysed during the technical audit include 404 errors, badly configured redirects, page loading problems and meta tags incorrect information. Depending on the seriousness of these errors, Botify offers you appropriate solutions to correct them and improve your SEO.

In-depth competitive analysis

To stand out in a competitive market, it's important to know your rivals' strengths and weaknesses in terms of natural referencing. Botify enables you toanalyse your competitors' SEO performance and identify their strengths to emulate and their weaknesses to exploit to gain an advantage.

Benchmarking and identifying opportunities

By comparing the data collected on your competitors with that for your own site, you can get an overview of the priority areas for improvement. In this way, you can concentrate your efforts on those aspects of SEO where you have the most to gain compared with your rivals.

Tools to suit all company sizes

Whether you are a sole trader or a large company, Botify offers solutions tailored to your needs and your budget. Each user can customise their dashboards and choose which key performance indicators to monitor as a priority. Special offers are also available for SEO agencies and major brands with specific SEO requirements.

Recognised expertise in SEO

Botify is the result of the work of a team ofexperts in natural referencing who have used their know-how and experience to create a comprehensive, high-performance tool. With an approach based on innovation, Botify also benefits from constant technological monitoring to incorporate the latest market trends and constantly improve its functionalities.

Personalised assistance and responsive technical support

When you choose Botify to optimise your natural referencing, you're not just buying software: you're also benefiting from the expertise and support of SEO professionals. Technical support is available to answer all your questions and guide you through the various functions of the tool.

  • Detailed analysis of site activity
  • Personalised SEO recommendations
  • Performance monitoring and adjustments
  • Technical audit and error correction
  • Competitive analysis and benchmark
  • Solutions tailored to all company sizes
  • Recognised expertise in the field of SEO
  • Personalised support and responsive technical support

In short, Botify is a powerful and versatile tool for improving and optimising your website's natural referencing. Thanks to its many advanced features, it will enable you to analyse your site's activity, put in place personalised SEO recommendations, track the performance of your actions and much more.

Try Botify today to boost your search engine visibility and give your website the success it deserves.

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