Understanding behavioural targeting in online marketing

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving and brands are always looking for ways to optimise their online advertising campaigns.

One of the most effective and widely used techniques is the behavioural targeting.

In this article, we explain what this method is, its advantages and main features.

behavioural targeting

What is behavioural targeting?

Le behavioural targeting is an online marketing method that involves analysing the actions of Internet users in order to offer them personalised content and advertising. This technique enables companies to get to know their customers and prospects better, so that they can tailor their offers and messages to the preferences, needs and expectations of each individual.

An approach based on behavioural analysis

Behavioural targeting is essentially based on the collection of data relating to user habits, such as pages visited, links clicked, searches carried out and products purchased. This information is then analysed to determine typical profiles and classify Internet users into different categories according to their interests, level of engagement and purchase history.

Use of cookies

Behavioural targeting is generally implemented using cookiesCookies are small text files that are stored on each user's computer or mobile terminal when they surf the web. Cookies make it possible to track each user's actions and store the information needed to improve their online experience, such as their location, the length of their visit, etc.

The benefits of behavioural targeting for businesses

For brands and advertisers, behavioural targeting offers a number of advantages. Firstly, this method allows them to refine their advertising campaigns according to the real expectations of their customers. audience. By adapting their messages and offers to the needs expressed by users, they are able to maximise their commercial effectiveness and optimise their return on investment (ROI).

Better knowledge of customers and prospects

Thanks to behavioural targeting, companies can gain precise knowledge of the preferences and characteristics of their customers, as well as detecting new market opportunities. What's more, this approach makes it possible to better segment hearings and to personalise offers according to the interests and affinities of each user.

A better user experience

By receiving content and promotions that correspond to their profile and interests, Internet users enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable online experience. They are then more inclined to engage with brands that offer them solutions tailored to their needs. In this way, behavioural targeting helps to establish a lasting relationship of trust between companies and their customers.

The key stages in implementing a behavioural targeting strategy

To take full advantage of behavioural targeting, it is important to follow a number of essential steps:

  1. Collecting data : The first step is to collect and centralise information about Internet users (cookies, browsing history, interactions with advertising).
  2. Analysing the data The next step is to study this information to determine patterns of behaviour and define typical user profiles.
  3. Segmenting the audience From this analysis, marketers can identify the most relevant audience segments to adapt their messages and offers.
  4. Customise campaigns The insights gathered enable companies to personalise their content and promotions for each audience segment identified.
  5. Measuring performance Finally, it is crucial to measure the results obtained on a regular basis in order to assess the effectiveness of behavioural targeting campaigns and adjust actions if necessary.

The challenges of behavioural targeting

Despite its many advantages, behavioural targeting can also raise certain questions and concerns. For example:

  • Protection of personal data With concerns about online privacy on the rise, companies need to ensure that they comply with current regulations (such as the RGPD) when collecting and processing user data.
  • Omnichannel data integration : Managing and analysing data from different channels (websitemobile applications, social networks, etc.) can represent a technical challenge for organisations.
  • The evolution of technology While certain initiatives are aimed at limiting the use of cookies, marketers will need to remain alert to technological innovations that will enable them to continue to offer their customers a personalised experience.

In conclusion behavioural targeting is an online marketing technique that offers remarkable opportunities for advertisers who want to improve the effectiveness of their campaigns and better understand their audience.

By analysing the behaviour of Internet users and adapting their advertising messages accordingly, brands are able to offer a range of products and services that meet their customers' needs. user experience and strengthen their relationship with their customers.

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