Answer The Public: an essential SEO tool for marketers

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 on the theme : SEO tools

In the world of natural search engine optimisation, the choice of keywords is crucial to the success of a site. digital strategy.

Knowing what web users are looking for and adapting your content accordingly is essential.

With this in mind, there are tools like Answer the Public that can give you valuable insight into popular search engine queries.

This article provides a detailed explanation of this SEO tool, and its usefulness for your content strategy.

Answer the public

What is Answer the Public?

Answer the Public is a free online tool that allows you to find out the questions and other expressions entered by Internet users on search engines, in relation to a specific topic. keyword given. Based on the autosuggestions offered by Google, this tool generates a list of terms and expressions to be analysed, so that you can take advantage of them to create relevant content that is optimised for natural referencing.

It therefore provides an overview of the public's expectations on a specific subject, and helps you to better structure your content strategy by responding to the needs expressed. It can also be used to find ideas to expand your lexical field and boost your chances of ranking on search engines.

Visual presentation of data

What makes Answer the Public so special is the way it presents its results - in the form of fan charts called 'maps'. Each branch corresponds to a category of query:

  • The classic questions, starting with the interrogatives "what", "where", "why", "how"...
  • Expressions containing prepositions or comparisons: "with", "without", "versus", etc.
  • Associations of ideas around the main keyword
  • Research relating to a specific location

This layout gives you a quick overview of the trends and areas of investigation relevant to your topic.

How can you use Answer the Public to optimise your SEO strategy?

Now that you have a clearer idea of the Answer The Public free seo tool, let's look at how to use it effectively as part of an SEO strategy. Here are a few key steps to follow:

1. Find relevant keywords

Using Answer the public starts by entering a main keyword related to your sector of activity or market niche. The results generated serve as a basis for identifying popular questions and deducing topics and terms to cover.

Your aim is to identify expressions or word combinations that have real potential, both in terms of search volume and competition. By keeping these criteria in mind, you can select relevant terms to include in your content.

2. Create relevant and varied content

With all this information in hand, all that remains is to create quality content that meets the expectations expressed by users. Write blogcreate tutorials, publish infographics...

In short, diversify your formats to reach an ever-wider audience while providing clear, concise answers to the questions asked.

3. Structuring your content using HTML tags

To make it easier to read and reference your websitetags, we recommend using HTML to structure your content (headings, subheadings, lists, etc.). For example :

  • Assign a main title to each page or article in the form of a <h1>
  • Add subtitles using the <h2>, <h3>etc., depending on the importance of the subject in question
  • Use bullets (
      ) or numbered lists (
        ) to present items in a logical or hierarchical order.

    By respecting this structure, you improve the comprehensibility of your text and make it easier for search engines to identify the subject matter. A must for improving your online visibility.

    Why choose Answer the Public over another SEO tool?

    There are, of course, other SEO tools on the market, such as SEMRush, Ahrefs or even Google Trends. So why choose a question generator like Answer The Public?

    1. Its ease of use: The tool is highly intuitive and requires no particular technical skills to use
    2. Its graphical interface : The results are presented in a clear and attractive way, making them easier to analyse and understand
    3. It's free: Unlike other pay services, Answer the Public is available free of charge (with certain limitations).
    4. Regular updates: The results are updated frequently, allowing you to track changes in trends.

    That said, it is important to stress that this tool has its limits when it comes to providing more precise data, such as the volume of searches per keyword or the competition. For a more global approach, the ideal solution is to use several complementary tools to refine your analyses and optimise your natural referencing.

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