Accelerated Mobile Pages: discovering the world of AMP

by our Web Agency Optimize 360

In today's web world, the loading speed of the pages is essential to offer a user experience optimal.

In terms of website creationthe Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)which are revolutionising the way we consult our favourite sites on mobile.

In this article, our Web Agency will help you explore in depth what AMP is and why it is so important for your website.


The concept of Accelerated Mobile Pages

In 2015, Google has launched a project called Accelerated Mobile Pages to improve Internet browsing on mobile devices. L

he idea behind AMP is simple: to make web pages faster and lighter for smoother, more enjoyable viewing on smartphones and tablets.

The main aim of this project is to considerably reduce the time it takes to load web pages on mobile devices, which can often be tedious.

Users are becoming increasingly impatient with these long loading times and may leave your site before they have even had a chance to view your content.

This not only leads to a loss of traffic, but also to a reduction in your referencing in search engines.

How AMP works: a lighter version of HTML

Accelerated Mobile Pages are built using a specific markup language, based on a simplified and lighter version of the HTML classic.

This refined version is called AMP HTML.

The main aim of this language is to eliminate elements that slow down page loading on mobile devices, such as Flash animations or certain fonts.

To speed up the loading and display of content, AMP pages also feature a caching system that preloads certain elements of the site (images, videos, etc.) so that they are immediately available when the page is viewed.

Increased speed thanks to Accelerated Mobile Pages

One of the main differences between a traditional web page and its AMP version is the loading time.

AMP pages generally load much faster than their traditional counterparts, offering a far superior browsing experience on mobile.

Hoping to prove this point, various studies have shown that the median loading time for an AMP page is around 1.6 seconds, compared with 4.5 seconds for a non-AMP page. This increase in speed can make all the difference to web users who expect fast access to your content.

Why use AMP for your website?

A better user experience

First and foremost, the major advantage of Accelerated Mobile Pages lies in improving the user experience on mobile devices.

Internet users can browse smoothly and quickly, without having to endure interminable loading times. This encourages them to stay longer on your site and consult more content, increasing the number of pages viewed and the average session length.

An increase in mobile traffic

With the ever-increasing use of mobile devices for browsing the Internet, it is essential to offer an experience tailored to these media.

By optimising the speed and fluidity of your pages with AMP, you can attract more mobile traffic and capture a larger share of the mobile market. audience ever wider.

Better natural referencing

Search engines, and Google in particular, have gradually included criteria relating to speed and mobile ergonomics in their algorithms classification.

A fast site that is adapted to smartphones and tablets will therefore be better positioned in search results, generating more visibility and organic traffic.

How do you set up AMP on your website?

To integrate AMP into your site, a few steps are required:

  1. Integrate the HTML AMP code into the pages you want to make compatible with this format.
  2. Optimising your files CSS and JavaScript so that they comply with AMP requirements (file size, authorised scripts, etc.).
  3. Use the AMP validation tools to check that your pages meet the project criteria.
  4. Link your AMP pages to their non-AMP versions by adding a tag in the header of your site.
  5. Finally, submit your sitemap XML to Google Search Console to make it easier to index your AMP content.

Implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages on your site can require a certain investment in terms of time and resources.

Nevertheless, this work is amply justified by the benefits that this technology can bring you: an optimal user experience, a more efficient use of resources, and an improved quality of life. better referencing and an increase in mobile traffic to your site.

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