Understanding algorithmic updates in SEO: 10 points

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Algorithm update

In the world of search engine optimisation (SEO), algorithmic updates are crucial events that influence the way websites are ranked by search engines, such as Google.

To be successful in this area, it's essential to understand what these updates entail and how they can affect your SEO strategy.

In this article, we will explore in detail 10 key aspects of algorithmic updates in SEO.

Algorithm update

1. What is an algorithmic update?

algorithmic update is a change made to the ranking systems of search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo ! These changes are made to improve the relevance of search results and offer users a more satisfying browsing experience. There can be several types of algorithmic updates, some of which are minor and others which have a major impact on website rankings.

2. Why do search engines update their algorithms?

Search engines are constantly seeking to improve the quality of research results to ensure that users can find the information they are looking for quickly and easily. They also update their algorithms to combat the fraudulent practices of certain sites that try to 'cheat' the system to obtain a higher ranking. Algorithm updates therefore reward sites that offer quality content and weed out those that do not respect the rules established by the search engines.

3. What are the effects of an algorithmic update?

The consequences of an algorithmic update depend on the nature of the changes made. Some updates may have only a minor impact on rankings, while others may cause significant fluctuations. In general, an algorithmic update can result in :

  • An increase in traffic If your site complies with the new guidelines and offers quality content, you can benefit from higher rankings and, consequently, more traffic.
  • A reduction in traffic On the other hand, if your site has been penalised for non-compliance or lack of relevance, your ranking may fall, resulting in a drop in traffic to your site.
  • Adjusting your SEO strategy When faced with an algorithmic update, it's essential to adapt your SEO approach to remain competitive and maintain or improve your ranking.

4. How can I stay informed about algorithmic updates?

To keep abreast of algorithmic updates and adapt your strategy accordingly, we recommend that you :

  • Follow official announcements search engines on their blogswhich often announce major updates and provide explanations and recommendations.
  • Consult specialist forumswhere SEO professionals share their observations and discuss the consequences of algorithmic updates.
  • Regularly monitor your rankingsto quickly identify any fluctuations and take the appropriate measures to correct or optimise your website.

5. How do you prepare for an algorithmic update?

It is difficult to predict precisely when and how an algorithmic update will take place. However, you can follow certain best practices to minimise the negative impact of these updates:

  • Publish original and relevant content that meets the needs and expectations of your audience.
  • Optimise the structure and tags on your website respecting search engine guidelines.
  • Avoid the " black hat " which can lead to penalties and your site being downgraded in the search results.

6. Google's main algorithmic updates

Over the years, Google has introduced several major updates to its algorithm, including :

  • Google Panda launched in 2011, this algorithm aims to reward quality websites and penalise those that offer duplicate or irrelevant content.
  • Google Penguin Rolled out in 2012, this update focuses on the fight against fraudulent link-building practices used to manipulate website rankings.
  • Google Hummingbird Hummingbird: in 2013, Hummingbird introduced improvements in understanding the context and relevance of search results.
  • Google Mobilegeddon Since 2015, this update has emphasised the importance of a website adapted to mobile devices in order to rank well on Google.

7. How can I tell if my site has been affected by an algorithmic update?

To find out if your site has been affected by an algorithmic update, you can :

  • Use traffic analysis toolssuch that Google Analyticsto examine variations in visits and page views on your site following the announcement of an update.
  • Check your position in search results to detect any significant changes in your rankings.
  • Find out whether manual sanctions have been applied to your site by consulting Google's "Manual Actions" section Search Console.

8. What should you do if your site is penalised by an algorithmic update?

If you find that your site has been negatively affected by an algorithmic update, here are some steps you can take:

  • Identify and correct problemsby updating your content, reviewing your link-building practices or optimising the technical structure of your website.
  • Ask for the sanctions to be withdrawn by submitting a correction report to Google via Search Console, if your site has been manually sanctioned.
  • Wait for the next algorithmic updatewhich can restore your ranking if you have made the necessary changes to improve the quality of your website.

9. Frequency of algorithmic updates

There is no fixed timetable for algorithmic updates. Search engines may make small adjustments to their algorithms on a daily basis or roll out major updates several times a year. As an SEO professional, it's important to keep an eye out for update announcements and to monitor the trends and performance of your website.

10. The future of algorithmic updates in SEO

Algorithmic updates will continue to evolve over time, in particular with the advent of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the machine learning. It is essential for SEO experts to keep abreast of the latest trends and adapt constantly to maintain or improve their ranking in the search results.

In conclusion, algorithmic updates are an essential part of the SEO landscape. Understanding how they work, their impact and how to react to them is crucial to ensuring the visibility and success of your website on search engines.

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