Understanding algorithmic filtering in SEO: a 10-point overview

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Algorithmic filtering

Le algorithmic filtering is a key concept in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

The success of a natural referencing strategy depends to a large extent on understanding and adapting to the changes brought about by search engine algorithms, particularly those of Google.

In this article, we will look at 10 important aspects of algorithmic filtering in SEO.

Algorithmic filtering

1. The basics of algorithmic filtering

Search engines such as Google use complex algorithms to rank web pages according to their relevance to users' queries. The aim of these algorithms is to help Internet users find the most accurate and relevant information for their searches. Algorithmic filtering occurs when an algorithm determines that certain pages should be excluded or penalised in the search results.

2. Algorithm updates

Google regularly updates its algorithms to improve the user experience and provide increasingly relevant search results. If you work in SEO, it's essential to keep up to date with new updates in order to adapt your SEO strategy accordingly. Some examples of major updates include Google PandaGoogle Penguin and Google Medic Update.

3. Algorithmic penalties

When a website is impacted by algorithmic filtering, this generally results in a penalty. This penalty can lead to a drop in position in search rankings, as well as a reduction in organic traffic due to certain pages being discarded or devalued.

Panda and Penguin: examples of algorithmic penalties

The Google Panda and Penguin updates are two examples of algorithmic filters that have led to penalties for the sites concerned. Panda mainly targets sites with low-quality content, while Penguin targets the practices of backlinks unnatural and manipulative.

4. Recovery from a penalty

If your site has been hit by a penalty, it is important to identify the underlying problems and take corrective action so that you can restore in search results. This can include removing unwanted links, improving the quality of content or modifying on-page referencing techniques.

5. The importance of quality content

Content is one of the most important factors for search engines and is a key element in the success of your SEO strategy. Make sure you always publish unique contentengaging and high quality to avoid the penalties associated with algorithmic filters.

6. On-page referencing techniques

The techniques of on-page referencingsuch as optimising meta tagsthe internal networking or the appropriate use of keywords, are essential for improving your site's visibility in search results. These elements can also help prevent penalties linked to algorithmic filtering.

7. Backlink practices

Backlinks, or incoming links to your website, play an important role in the ranking of pages on search engines. However, it is crucial to avoid manipulative techniques that run counter to Google's instructions if you don't want to be penalised by an algorithmic filter. A netlinking natural and high quality allows you to improve your site's ranking while complying with search engine criteria.

8. The impact of local SEO

Le Local SEO is gaining in importance as the number of geolocalised searches carried out by Internet users increases. It is therefore important to take this dimension into account when developing your natural referencing strategy. Make sure you optimise your company's listing on Google My Business and to use SEO techniques tailored to local queries to avoid being penalised by algorithmic filtering.

9. Technical aspects of SEO

The technical aspects of SEO, such as loading speed of the pages, the accessibility of the site and its architecture also play an important role in search engine rankings. A well-designed, fast and secure website helps to improve search engine rankings.user experience and avoid the penalties associated with algorithmic filters.

10. Use an SEO agency or an experienced professional

Lastly, if you lack the time or expertise to manage your natural referencing strategy, it may be a good idea to call on the services of a specialist. SEO agency or a professional in the sector to help you through the process.

These experts will help you develop an appropriate and effective strategy, while complying with search engine guidelines to minimise the risk of penalties linked to algorithmic filtering.

In short, algorithmic filtering is a key concept in SEO that needs to be taken into account when developing your natural referencing strategy.

By understanding the different aspects of algorithmic updates and implementing relevant actions that comply with search engine guidelines, you can improve your website's position in organic search results and increase your online visibility.

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