What is Algorithmic Change Tracking?

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The keys to understanding how to track algorithmic changes in SEO

The world of natural referencing and search engines is constantly evolving, mainly due to regular updates of the algorithms used by the giants of the sector.

These algorithm changes can have a major impact on the position of web pages in search results, such as Google.

Monitoring these changes and being able to adapt to changes in algorithms is therefore crucial for all those working in this field.

This article takes a look at the different aspects of theAlgorithmic Change TrackingIn French, suivi des changements algorithmiques.


Algorithmic Change Tracking

Defining the monitoring of algorithmic changes

As the name suggests, monitoring algorithmic changes is a process that consists of scrutinising and analysing fluctuations in the rankings of web pages on search engines in order to identify potential updates. This monitoring is made possible by the use of specific tools and the expertise of natural search engine optimisation professionals. (SEO).

Step 1: Study fluctuations in positioning

Sites likely to be impacted by algorithm changes generally show fairly large fluctuations in positioning on key queries for their activity. While it is not uncommon to see daily variations in rankings, this may well be a sign that an update is on the way.

Step 2: Correlate observations with algorithmic modifications

Once we have observed these variations, we need to relate the data to what we know about algorithmic changes. In fact, some companies specialising in SEO have developed tools for tracking fluctuations in rankings and identifying updates from the various search engines. By cross-referencing this information, we can then confirm or refute the suspicion of algorithmic modification.

Tools for monitoring algorithmic changes

L'Algorithmic Change Tracking requires constant monitoring and responsiveness to events affecting search engines and how they work. Several tools are available for effective monitoring:

  1. Specialised tools : A host of tools can be used to monitor performance indices such as organic website traffic, as well as keyword trends in the results.
  2. Forums and communities : Exchanges between SEO professionals, such as users of specialist forums, can provide valuable information on potential algorithm changes.
  3. Official press releases : The main search engine affected by these updates (usually Google) often publishes official announcements about its algorithmic updates.

These resources enable SEO specialists to be informed quickly and accurately of any changes, so that they can react accordingly.

Possible impacts on search engine optimisation

More relevant search results

The primary objective of search engines such as Google is to provide users with the information they need. the most relevant results possible. Most updates therefore focus on this aspect. The changes are generally aimed at penalising content that is of poor quality or considered to be of little relevance to the user, as well as enhancing the value of sites offering a user experience quality.

Penalties for non-recommended practices

Algorithm modifications can also specifically target certain practices not appreciated by search engines, such as the abuse of artificial links or the use of inappropriate keywords. The aim is to penalise sites that use these methods in order to improve the overall quality of the results offered.

Risk of falling positions

In some cases, algorithmic changes can lead to quite significant drops in position for the pages concerned. This can have a negative impact on the site's organic traffic and its audience of the whole. This effect can only be mitigated by post-modification analysis and adaptation.

Adaptation: how do you adjust to change?

When you become aware of a negative impact on SEO following an algorithmic change, you need to carry out an in-depth audit of the site and the SEO practices in place. Here are some ideas for improvement:

  • Content optimisation : ensure that the content is informative and original, and correctly structured (headings, paragraphs, relevant keywords).
  • Improving the user experience : make the site easier to navigate, speed up loading speed pages and optimising their display on mobile devices are all essential if the site is to be well perceived by search engines.
  • Review your linking strategy : avoid harmful practices such as bulk buying or inappropriate link exchanges, and favour a natural approach based on the quality of the backlinks.

This means keeping abreast of changes to search engine algorithms, and above all working constantly on the quality and relevance of websites in order to reap the rewards of organic referencing.

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