What is AJAX SEO?

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Search engine optimisation with AJAX: definition and practical advice

AJAX is an acronym derived from the term Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

This technique is very popular in the web developmentAJAX is one of the most widely used web technologies, improving the performance of online sites and applications by dynamically updating their content. However, using AJAX can make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index your content.

In this article, we explain 10 key points on how to optimise your SEO when using AJAX technology.



1. Use URLs that are readable by search engines

When you use AJAX requests, remember to use URL are displayed correctly in the browser address bar. This will make it much easier for companies like Google to index your pages. For example, avoid using special characters and use hyphens rather than underscores to separate words.

2. Avoid content hidden behind user interactions

Instead of displaying content only after a link or button has been clicked, try to load content progressively as the page is displayed. Search engines often have difficulty interpreting user actions and can miss information that is important for indexing.

Making content visible without action

A simple solution is to display important content directly on the page, not behind a click. In this way, search engines will be able to access it easily and index it. However, if you don't want to sacrifice theuser experienceConsider using CSS to hide these elements until they are needed.

3. Make sure your site works without JavaScript

If your site is based entirely on AJAX, you should be aware that you could run into SEO problems, as search engine spiders can sometimes follow your URLs without executing JavaScript. To avoid such problems, we strongly recommend that youkeep your site running at a minimum even if JavaScript is deactivated.

4. Implement a solid plan for accessibility for people with disabilities

Users with specific browsers or those who use assistive devices (such as screen readers) may experience difficulties with some AJAX-enabled websites. It is therefore important to carry out regular tests to assess your site's compliance with accessibility standards, such as those defined by the W3C.

Making AJAX-loaded content accessible

Before the AJAX content is loaded, remember to add appropriate tags containing alternative texts for screen readers. These tags will not only facilitate accessibility for disabled people, but will also help your content to be better referenced by search engines.

5. Use the appropriate meta tags

When using AJAX, it is even more crucial touse the correct meta tags (title and description) as well as the H1 and H2 tags. The indexing robots cannot always view the dynamic content generated by JavaScript, so we need to provide them with this valuable information in the form of HTML well structured.

6. Submit an XML sitemap to Google

The submission of a sitemap XML to Google Search Console is an effective way of ensuring that robots can easily access all your pages, including those that use AJAX. Make sure you list all the relevant URLs on your site in this XML file, along with the date they were last modified.

7. Use internal links with an old

Make sure that all the links on your site use an old (a) tag. This will allow search engines to discover and crawl your other pages, even if they are loaded via AJAX.

8. Reduce AJAX requests as much as possible

To optimise the performance and loading time of your site, try to minimise requests made via AJAX. Use techniques such as lazy loading "This will dynamically load only those elements required for the current display of the page.

9. Regularly test your site with different configurations

Never forget to periodically check the compatibility of your site and its correct operation on various browsers and operating systems. Only real tests will enable you to detect any problems linked to the use of AJAX or other web technologies.

10. Get informed and follow industry trends

Finally, it is essential to keep abreast of the latest developments in SEO and AJAX optimisation. Search engine algorithms can change frequently, so it's important to keep abreast of new recommended practices to ensure that your content ranks higher.

By following these tips and applying best practice, you can take advantage of all the potential offered by AJAX, while maximising your visibility with search engines.

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