Definition of AEO ( Answer Engine Optimization )

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360

on the theme : Semantic SEO

In the world of SEO and online marketing, terms like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or SEM (Search Engine Marketing) are often used to describe the methods used by companies to improve their visibility on search engines.

However, these are now giving way to the concept of Answer Engine Optimisation or AEO.

In this article, our SEO Agency looks at the definition of this term, its particularities and how to use it to optimise your online marketing efforts.


Search engines vs. response engines: a major change

Before understanding what AEO is, we need to distinguish between search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo answer engines that directly display the answer to a question posed by the user. These are based on artificial intelligence and conversational systems such as Siri Amazon's Alexa and the Google Assistant.

AEO: the definition

L'AEOfor Answer Engine Optimizationrefers to all the practices used to optimise the content of a website. websiteThis means providing Internet users and algorithms with precise, complete and relevant answers to their queries and questions. The aim is to provide Internet users and algorithms with precise, complete and relevant answers to their queries and questions.

Why is AEO essential for visibility on these search engines?

As mentioned above, response engines are based on artificial intelligence and conversational systems, which are developing very rapidly. More and more web users are turning to them to obtain information or solve a problem. As a result, it is crucial for websites and their marketing managers to adapt to this development and learn how to optimise their content for these platforms.

The benefits of AEO

  • Increased visibility : success in positioning yourself in the search engines means that you'll be more successful. visible with a audience qualified people looking for specific answers.
  • Targeted traffic : By working on AEO, the chances of attracting visitors interested in your products or services increase significantly.
  • Adapting to new technologies : With the emergence of voice assistants and connected objects, it is essential to offer content that is compatible with these devices so as not to lose visibility and brand awareness.

How do you optimise your content for AEO?

There are a number of optimisation methods and practices that you can put in place to improve your presence on search engines. Here are a few tips:

1. Write content that is relevant and answers visitors' questions

To optimise your AEO, it is essential that your web pages provide clear and precise answers to the questions that users are likely to ask. To do this, take the time to identify the queries your target audience is looking for and write informative, concrete and concise texts that answer them.

2. Structure your content using appropriate HTML tags

The use of tags HTML such as <p> or even 

     tags are used to structure your text to make it easier to read and understand by search engines. It is therefore important to prioritise your content by using appropriate tags for each part.

    3. Structured data for the AEO

    The structured dataschema markup" consists of adding additional information to the source code of your page to make it easier for search engine spiders to read the content. This data is used to optimise the display of your pages in the thematic results proposed by the search engines.

    4. Adopt a mobile-first approach

    Users of voice assistants and other connected devices mainly access the internet from their smartphone or tablet. So you need to take a mobile-first approach, adapting your content to smaller screen sizes and ensuring that pages load quickly.

    5. Look after your site's internal links

    Le internal networkingInternal links, i.e. the internal links linking your different pages together, are vital for your ranking in the search engines. In particular, it helps to direct visitors to other relevant content, thereby improving the quality of your website.user experience.

    In short, AEO is a major challenge for all companies wishing to be visible on modern search platforms and adapt to new technological trends. Optimising content to respond to specific queries, structuring data and adopting a mobile-friendly approach are all key factors for success in this mission.

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