What is Advanced SEO Training?

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360

The Internet world is evolving rapidly and competition is intensifying in all sectors.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to master the most advanced natural search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques.

Training in Advanced SEO will help you acquire the skills you need to improve the visibility of your website, increase your traffic and boost your conversions.

This article sets out the 10 key points for such training.


Advanced SEO Training

Step 1: Learn more about SEO

First of all, advanced SEO training is designed to consolidate the basics of natural search engine optimisation. You will cover topics such as :

  • how search engines work,
  • relevance criteria,
  • the structure and optimisation of a website,
  • writing optimised content,
  • netlinking and backlink management,
  • performance analysis and monitoring.

Step 2: Mastering SEO analysis and monitoring tools

The right tools make all the difference when it comes to SEO. They enable you to better understand your environment, identify your strengths and weaknesses and make the right decisions. Advanced SEO training should enable you to learn how to use tools such as :

Step 3: Search engine optimisation on WordPress

WordPress is now one of the CMS the most widely used websites in the world. It is therefore essential to know how to optimise a WordPress site in terms of natural referencing. You will learn :

  • the ideal configuration for your site,
  • the use of SEO themes and plugins,
  • management URLbeacons and internal networking,
  • the security and performance of your site.

Step 4: Keyword Research

Controlling keywords is crucial for good search engine positioning. During this stage, you will learn all the techniques for finding the best keywords, including :

  • keyword research tools,
  • competitive analysis,
  • the long tail,
  • the choice of strategic keywords.

Fifth stage: Content and netlinking

Content is king, but netlinking is essential to improve your site's visibility. Find out how :

  • write optimised, attractive content,
  • develop an effective netlinking strategy,
  • analyse and obtain quality backlinks,
  • contact potential partners.

Step six: User experience (UX) and SEO

Increasingly, Google is taking into account theuser experience in its ranking. Advanced SEO training should therefore address this important dimension, including :

  • optimising page load times,
  • the introduction of a responsive design,
  • improving navigation and ergonomics,
  • incentives for action (call to action).

Seventh step: Local referencing

For companies operating locally, mastering local SEO is crucial. You will learn how to :

  • create and optimise your file Google My Business,
  • manage customer reviews,
  • optimise your pages for local referencing,
  • take geolocation into account.

Step eight: Mobile SEO

With the explosion in the use of smartphones, mobile search engine optimisation has become a key issue. Find out how :

  • adapt your site for mobile devices,
  • optimise content and images,
  • test mobile compatibility.

Step nine: Advanced SEO techniques

In an advanced SEO course, you will also need to cover some more advanced and lesser-known techniques, such as :

  • technical SEO (tag canonical301 redirection, rich snippets...),
  • multilingual and international SEO,
  • Video SEO,
  • managing Google penalties.

Step ten: Put your SEO skills into practice

Finally, advanced SEO training should include practical exercises and real-life case studies to enable you to apply all the knowledge and skills you have acquired. In this way, you will be able to develop an effective SEO strategy for your own website or those of your clients.

By following these ten steps, you'll become an expert in SEO and be ready to take on the competition on the search engines. So don't hesitate to invest in Advanced SEO training, because it's an excellent way of increasing traffic to your website and boosting your income.

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