Differences between SEO and SEA

Best SEO agency optimize 360


Differences between SEO and SEA What are they?

Is there an advantage to doing one or the other, or both together?

Optimize 360, SEO Agency is here to provide you with a summary to help you use the best levers to acquire qualified traffic and, of course, generate additional sales and customers through your website.

What is SEO?

Definition of SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the sum total of all the techniques used to index a website in search engines, such as Googleand, secondly, to ensure that the results in the SERP ( Search Engine Results Pages ) are as high as possible, and as clicked as possible.

The best SEO strategies all have something in common!

Good SEO requires a methodical approach and very precise processes to meet the requirements of search engines and their algorithms.

Optimize 360 gives you a few best practices to follow to make your websitea well-referenced site.


Advantages of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

So what are the advantages of SEO compared to other methods? paid referencing ( SEA )

Building the foundations of the house

SEO is going to be sustainable, provided it is done properly, because pages indexed in natural referencing will remain so (barring accidents) ad vitam eternam on the Internet.

A well-structured website with a good tree structure will help both Internet users and search engine spiders to find you in the long term.

Capitalising on the long term with a good SEO strategy

This is the challenge of any natural referencing strategy. Sustainability. Unlike SEA which will only work if we pay for advertising campaigns. sponsored linksSEO will help you last.

The basics of SEO

Even if you want to run campaigns Google AdsGood SEO can give you landing pages that are conducive to SEA. 

If you have paid ads, they have to land somewhere. And the more your pages are optimised from an SEO point of view, the more your " quality score "SEA will be interesting.

Record ROI 

Once you've done your homework on SEO, the big advantage is that, apart from spending a little time on it, you don't have to invest in advertising.

Some websites manage to do without paid search.

Looking after your online reputation

In a digital strategy Globally, good SEO can help demonstrate to your customers that you have succeeded in positioning your site without having to advertise.

Increase your Domain Authority and your brand image

Here we are referring to the SEO Off Page ( or at Netlinking ), which is the 3rd pillar of SEO strategy. 
The more powerful your netlinking (in terms of the number of backlinks and referring domains), the more your site will gain in domain authority and referencing. 

Disadvantages of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

 There are undoubtedly several, but the main disadvantage of SEO is that it is generally time-consuming and even tedious to put in place, because it requires the creation of quality content throughout your website. 

What is SEA paid search?

Definition of paid search (SEA)

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) is a method of online advertising in which advertisers pay to display their ads on search engines or other platforms, usually on a per-click basis, CPC) or printing (cost per thousand, CPM), to gain immediate visibility in search results and promote their content or products.

Advantages of paid search (SEA)

Speed of implementation 

This is its major advantage, because a Google Ads campaign (formerly Google Adwords) can be set up very quickly in the hope of grabbing the first 3 or 4 sponsored positions. 

Generate immediate sales in a highly competitive environment

Particularly for a E-CommercePaid advertising has the potential to compensate for a lack of organic traffic, particularly during the site's launch phase.

And even afterwards, if the competition is tough, SEO alone may not be enough.

Measuring ROI and profitability

In terms of acquisition leverage, SEA not only provides immediate visibility on the Internet, but also makes it fairly easy to calculate a return on investment, provided that the conversion tracking system has been properly configured. 

Attracting customers straight away

This means you can prospect for customers online very quickly, and even much more quickly than SEO, which can potentially take many months.

Beta testing Google Ads campaigns

Another advantage of advertising is that it makes it easier to carry out AB testing 

Disadvantages of paid search (SEA)

In terms of disadvantages, SEA has the disadvantage of having to invest money in advertising campaigns, and this can sometimes be quite expensive in order to generate potential customers.

You will then need to ensure that the conversion rate improves over time and advertising campaigns are profitable  

SEO or SEA: which should you choose?

In fact, the two are potentially complementary, given what has been said above.

There may even be a virtuous circle in combining the two SEO approaches 

Call on SEO specialists to guide you towards the best SEO strategy. 

Special features for e-commerce

In particular for E-Commerce sitesfor which SEO is often not enough on its own


Some of our SEO Case Study clients Natural Search Engine Optimisation

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1 What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a technique for optimising a website to improve its ranking in search engine results.

Given its complexity, it is advisable to call on an SEO Agency like Optimize 360 to really approach the 3 pillars of SEO

2 Why is good SEO important?

Good SEO increases the visibility of your website on search engines, which can generate more traffic and potential customers for your business.

3 - What is the difference between natural and paid search?

Natural search engine optimisation involves optimising your website for search engines without paying for advertising. Paid search, on the other hand, involves buying advertising space to appear at the top of search results.

4 - How long does it take to see the results of natural referencing?

The time it takes to see results from SEO can vary depending on many factors, such as the competition in your field, the quality of your content and the SEO strategy used. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to see a significant improvement.

5 - How do you choose keywords for SEO?

The choice of keywords for SEO depends on your business and your target market. We carry out in-depth SEO research to identify the most relevant keywords for your business and optimise your website accordingly.

6 - What are backlinks and why are they important for SEO?

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. They are important for SEO because they tell Google that your site is considered a reliable and relevant source of information in your field.

7) How do you measure the success of your SEO strategy?

We use tracking tools to measure organic traffic to your website, the positioning of your keywords in search results, and other key performance indicators to assess the success of your SEO strategy.

8 - How much does a search engine optimisation strategy cost?

The cost of an SEO strategy depends on many factors, such as the size of your website, the competition in your field and the complexity of your project. We offer customised packages to meet the specific needs of each company. Please contact us to find out more.

SEO Agency Paris Optimize 360 Paris

Our SEO Agency Paris is the first to have been created in 2012 by its founder Frédéric POULET

The team of Paris SEO experts is divided into several geographical sectors:


SEO Agency Lyon Optimize 360 Lyon

Optimize 360 is also present throughout the Rhône Alpes region. With its

  • SEO Agency Lyon

SEO Agency Marseille PACA Optimize 360

Headed by Franck La Pinta, Optimize 360 has branches throughout the PACA region.

SEO Agencies Switzerland Optimize 360 Switzerland

Headed by Jean-François Hartwig, Optimize 360 has two SEO agencies in Switzerland:

SEO Agency Bordeaux South Aquitaine Optimize 360 Bordeaux

Optimize 360 is present in Bordeaux and throughout the southern Aquitaine region, with its

SEO Agency Metz Nancy Grand Est Optimize 360 Grand Est

Optimize 360 is present throughout the Grand Est region of France

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
