How much does SEO cost?

SEO Optimize 360

How much does an optimised SEO service cost?

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 

What price for a SEO services ?

To ensure optimum visibility of your site on search engines, it is essential to invest in SEO services adapted.

But how much does an SEO service cost? In this article, we take a look at the different factors you need to take into account to determine the cost of such a service and guide you towards a service that meets your needs.

How much does SEO cost?

Factors influencing the price of SEO services

Several factors are taken into account when determining the exact cost of an SEO service. These include :

  • The size and nature of the site : a site e-commerce with hundreds of pages generally requires more work than a showcase site presenting just a few pages. Similarly, a e-commerce website international site will have specific needs and different legal constraints to a local site.
  • The level of competition : The more competitive the sector in which your company operates, the more you will need to invest in an effective SEO strategy to stand out from the crowd.
  • The current state of SEO : a site that has already benefited from substantial SEO work will require less effort to achieve a good ranking than one that has never been optimised.
  • Objectives: depending on the scale of the objectives set (e.g. to increase the number of visitors, to generate leads for your company), the effort required in terms of referencing will be greater or lesser.
  • Budget : Of course, SEO services come at a price and you need to choose a package that is suited to the finances available for your project.

The different SEO services

To establish the price of an SEO service, it is essential to distinguish between the different types of service offered by SEO agencies. These include :

  1. SEO audit : This stage consists of analysing the current state of the site's SEO and identifying its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement. On the basis of this audit, the SEO agency draws up an action plan to optimise the site and proposes appropriate solutions.
  2. Le netlinking : This involves developing the number and quality of incoming links to your site, in order to improve its popularity and search engine positioning. The cost of netlinking will depend on the number of links to be created and their quality.
  3. Content creation : writing articles for blogWhether it's a website, a product sheet or a static page, content creation is a key element of an effective SEO strategy. Rates may vary depending on the quantity and quality of the content required.
  4. Technical optimisation : it aims to improve the site's performance (loading speed) and its accessibility for search engines. The cost of this service will depend on the extent of the changes to be made to the site.

Pricing for SEO services: packages or hourly rates?

When it comes to SEO services, there are generally two types of pricing:

  • Package deals : This is a package of services offered at a fixed price. Agencies can offer different packages including various services depending on requirements (SEO auditcontent creation, netlinking, etc.). A package is advantageous because it allows you to benefit from several services to optimise your overall referencing.
  • Hourly rate : Some agencies prefer to bill by the hour for tailor-made services that can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. This option offers greater flexibility, particularly if you want to test different solutions and adjust your strategy over time.

How do you choose the best SEO service for your budget?

Here are a few tips to help you choose the right SEO service for your budget and your needs:

    1. Define your objectives precisely: this will help you to identify the services that are essential to your project and those that can be postponed or carried out in-house.

Compare offers :

  1. Take the time to consult several agencies and compare their rates, as well as their level of expertise. Don't hesitate to ask for detailed quotes to help you better understand the services on offer.
  2. Don't focus on price alone: an effective SEO service can represent a significant investment, but think of the potential benefits for your site in terms of visibility and traffic. Good search engine positioning is often synonymous with success for your online business.
  3. Find out about the past performance of service providers: a professional who has already succeeded in improving the SEO of sites similar to yours or operating in your sector will be in a better position to guarantee you concrete results.

In conclusion, there is no such thing as a universal price for an SEO service, as there are so many different factors influencing prices.

Important factors to consider are the size and nature of the site, the level of competition, the current state of SEO, the objectives to be achieved and the budget available.

By weighing up these different variables, you'll be able to choose the SEO service best suited to your needs and budget.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
