How long does an SEO service last?

SEO Optimize 360

Determining the ideal duration for an SEO service

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 

How long does a SEO services ?

To succeed in the competitive world of SEO, it's essential to ask yourself the right questions and adapt your strategy accordingly.

A key question concerns the optimum duration of an SEO service, which can vary considerably depending on the objectives and resources available.

In this article, we'll look at the different stages of an SEO project, and how long they take.

How long does an SEO service last?

Understanding the challenges of natural referencing

First and foremost, natural referencing (or SEO) is of paramount importance in any digital marketing strategy. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the mechanisms involved if you are to draw up an appropriate and realistic action plan. Search engine positioning is one of the main levers for generating qualified traffic to your site. website. Hence the importance of determining the right duration to optimise your chances of success.

The different stages of an SEO project

An SEO project generally consists of several key stages, which are outlined below:

  1. SEO audit initial This is a crucial phase, enabling us to assess the website's current situation and draw up a precise diagnosis of possible areas for improvement.
  2. On-page optimisation Site redesign: improving the quality of the site's content and architecture, to meet the requirements of search engines.
  3. Content creation regular production of articles, videos or infographics to attract the attention of Internet users and encourage them to interact with the website.
  4. Link building strengthening the network of incoming links to the site (backlinks), to increase its popularity and authority with search engines.
  5. Monitoring results Analysis of key metrics and adjustment of the strategy if necessary, based on progress made and objectives to be achieved.

These stages may take place simultaneously or successively, depending on the choices made by the team in charge of the project.

Initial SEO audit: how long will it take?

The SEO audit is a fundamental phase in any optimisation process. It consists of a meticulous examination of every aspect of the website, in order toidentify your strengths and weaknesses. This analysis is then used to define priorities and draw up an appropriate action plan. A full audit can take from a few days to several weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

How long does it take to optimise your site?

Once the audit has been carried out, it is essential to implement the necessary changes to the site, in line with good SEO practice. This stage, known as on-page optimisation, involves :

  • the quality and organisation of the published content;
  • page structure and internal networking ;
  • technical aspects such as loading speed or mobile accessibility.

This phase often requires a substantial investment in terms of time and resources. Timescales vary according to the volume and complexity of the improvements to be made. It is not unusual for this to last several line with the objectives set and the resources deployed to achieve them.

Content creation: a permanent activity?

An SEO project should also include the production of new content to attract and retain visitors. The frequency and duration of this stage depends largely on the needs identified during the audit, as well as on the editorial strategy chosen. In all cases, it is crucial to ensure that you regularly publish quality articles that meet the expectations of web users and are likely to generate shares on social networks.

Link building: an ongoing process

Link building is one of the key levers in natural search engine optimisation. This technique consists of obtaining inbound links from other websites to your own, in order to benefit from their popularity and extend your network (or "web") on the Web. This is generally an ongoing process, requiring constant attention and regular work to achieve convincing results.

The ideal duration for SEO support

Taking all these factors into account, we need to ask ourselves what would be the best duration for SEO support. The answer depends primarily on the objectives being pursued, as well as the resources available in terms of team, budget and skills. Nevertheless, a successful service often takes several months, or even years, to start producing positive effects on a website's search engine positioning.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
