The best SEO strategies for boosting your online visibility

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What are the best SEO strategies?

The best SEO strategies all have something in common!

Good SEO requires a methodical approach and very precise processes to meet the requirements of search engines and their algorithms.

Optimize 360 gives you a few best practices to follow to make sure your website is well referenced.

What are the best SEO strategies?


What is an SEO strategy?

An SEO strategy is an action plan designed to improve the visibility of a website. in the organic search results of search engines such as Google. This strategy involves optimising the website's content and structure to increase its relevance to users and search engines, as well as generating organic traffic and contributing to the website's reputation.

To develop an effective SEO strategy, it is important to understand which keywords are relevant to your business and your target audience.

A keyword analysis is therefore a crucial step in your SEO strategy.

It reveals the search terms most frequently used by Internet users to find products or services similar to those of your company.

Once the keywords have been identified, it is important to optimise the site's tags, particularly the title tags and meta descriptions, to include these keywords and give search engines a clear idea of what each page of the site is about.

It is also important to optimise the site's structure by creating a clear, logical tree structure to make it easier for users and search engine spiders to navigate. It's also important to optimise the site's loading speed to make it easier for users to find what they're looking for. user experience.

Creating quality content is also a key part of the SEO strategy. Blog posts, product pages, descriptions and all other information must be written in such a way as to include relevant keywords and provide added value for users.

Finally, creating quality inbound links from relevant websites is an important element in helping your website rank higher in search results. So make sure that the backlinks to your site come from authoritative sites in your field of activity.

In short, an SEO strategy consists of optimising the structure and content of a website to increase its relevance to users and search engines, generate organic traffic and contribute to the reputation of your website.

It involves analysing keywords, optimising tags, improving structure, creating quality content and creating quality inbound links.

Why develop an SEO strategy?

Today, having an online presence is crucial to the success of any business, whatever its size or sector of activity.

That's why it's essential to put in place an SEO strategy to improve your online visibility and attract qualified traffic to your website.

In this context, it is important to take the time to plan and implement a clear strategy before any marketing action.

A good SEO strategy offers a number of benefits, such as increased online visibility, qualified traffic and a significant increase in sales.

By optimising your website for search engines, you attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your products or services. This often translates into conversion rate and a higher return on investment.

However, to achieve these benefits, it is important to clearly define your marketing and SEO objectives. An SEO strategy cannot be implemented effectively if it is not tailored to your business objectives. It is therefore essential to take the time to clearly define your objectives before starting any marketing action.

It's also important to stress that SEO isn't just for big companies with big budgets. Small measures or small optimisations can sometimes make all the difference and help your website rank higher in search results.

However, it is important to understand that SEO success is measured over time. In fact, it can take several months before you see the results of your SEO actions. That's why it's important to combine SEO with other marketing channels for optimum results.

In short, a well thought-out and implemented SEO strategy can be a real asset for your online business, enabling you to improve your online visibility, attract qualified traffic and increase your sales.

Why have an SEO strategy?

1) Define your marketing objectives

To achieve optimum results with your SEO strategy, it is essential to clearly define your marketing objectives.

This will enable you to put in place a natural referencing strategy tailored to your specific needs and achieve a higher return on investment.

In this section, we're going to help you define your marketing objectives so that you can plan and implement your SEO strategy more effectively.

2) Define your SEO objectives

in line with your business strategy.

Define your SEO objectives in line with your business strategy to get the best possible return on investment. The first step is to carry out an SEO audit to understand your website's current situation.

This involves analysing factors such as loading speed, the external links and internal content, user experience, relevant, high-quality content and all the other essential positioning criteria.

Once you have clearly identified your website's current situation, ask yourself the right questions in relation to your sales target, target geographical areas, new product or service launches, and any other key elements of your business strategy that could have an influence on your SEO strategy.

It's essential to break down annual objectives into quarterly ones to get an overall view of the short and long term. This will enable you to monitor your progress, adjust your strategy for achieving your objectives and consider changes if necessary.

Be careful to align your SEO objectives with your business objectives. There's no point optimising your website for keywords that aren't related to your field of activity or that don't generate traffic relevant to your business.

By putting in place a robust business strategy that covers your SEO objectives, you guarantee an effective return on investment. Finally, don't forget that SEO auditing should be a constantly evolving process, to ensure that your website is always optimised for best results.

3) Base your SEO strategy on search intent

To improve your online visibility, it's important to base your SEO strategy on the search intent of your target audience. Indeed, to catch the eye of Google's algorithms, it is essential to understand the motivations and needs of your users.

To find out which phrases and keywords are most commonly used by your target audience, you can use keyword research tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner or SEMrush.

This will enable you to identify the most relevant search terms for your business.

Once you have identified the appropriate keywords, it is important to include them in the title of your content, in the body of your text and in the hashtags. This will help search engines to better understand the subject of your content and rank it accordingly.

It is also important to produce unique, relevant and useful content that meets the needs of your target audience. Your content should be able to anticipate your users' concerns and provide them with clear, precise answers.

Finally, to optimise your content, don't hesitate to use visuals such as images and videos to make your content more attractive and engaging. Also make sure you add subheadings that include your main keyword and its semantic field to help search engines better understand your content.

In short, to increase your online visibility, base your SEO strategy on your target audience's search intent, use keyword research tools to identify the most relevant search terms and create unique, relevant content that meets your audience's needs. SEO Content is ROI

In SEO, content is king. This means that the quality of your content is one of the main factors determining your ranking in Google's search results. In fact, the relevance and quality of your content are the keys to meeting users' search intentions.

To ensure that your content meets Google's quality requirements, you need to create unique and original content that matches both what users are looking for and what search engines are looking for.

It's also important to structure your content in such a way as to guide the reader through the different parts of your text. This means including relevant and explanatory headings, sub-headings to detail the subjects covered and well-defined paragraphs to improve readability.

The use of relevant keywords is also important for improving the visibility of your content in search results. It's not a question of filling your text with keywords, but rather of including relevant terms that correspond to your users' search intentions while remaining natural.

In short, to optimise your SEO, you need to provide quality content that responds to the search intentions of your target audience. This can be achieved by creating unique, relevant and structured content with impactful headings and subheadings, while optimising your texts with relevant keywords. By following these best practices, you stand a good chance of improving your ranking in Google's search results.

5 - Take care of your technical SEO

Technical SEO is a key element in ensuring good online visibility.

This includes ensuring that your website is visible on all screens and that its loading speed is optimal, with a loading time of less than 5 seconds. It is also crucial to ensure that it contains no indexing errors such as broken links or noindexed pages.

To improve the performance of your website and your technical SEO, it is important to use tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights to test the loading speed of your pages.

This will enable you to identify any speed problems that could adversely affect your users' experience.

Working on image and code optimisation is also important for increasing the loading speed of your website. By optimising the size of your images and using clean, efficient code, you can reduce the time it takes to load your website.

Finally, it's important to remember that technical SEO is essential for improving your ranking in search results. A website that meets Google's requirements in terms of loading speed, broken links and indexing is more likely to appear at the top of the search results. This can help you generate more traffic and increase your online audience.

Taking care of your technical SEO is therefore crucial to ensuring a positive user experience, improving your online visibility and increasing your organic traffic.

By using tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights and working on optimising your website, you can improve your performance and ranking in search results.

6. Establish an effective netlinking strategy

Netlinking is a crucial SEO strategy for improving the visibility of your website online.

This is a technique that involves obtaining inbound links from reputable and reliable sites in order to improve your positioning in the search results.

Here are a few tips for establishing an effective netlinking strategy:

1. Use the best tools to identify reliable sites from which inbound links may originate:

Tools such as Ahrefs and SEMRush can help you identify relevant, high-quality sites where you can obtain backlinks. These are paid tools, but there are also free tools such as Google Search Console which can help you track inbound links.

2. Exchange links with other sites

in your sector of activity or publish guest articles on sites relevant to your niche: You can contact the webmasters of relevant sites in your sector of activity to offer them link exchanges or guest articles. This will enable you to obtain backlinks from reputable, quality sites.

3. Avoid link farms or any black hat techniques:

Link farms and black hat can cause you problems with search engine penalties, or even get you banned. So it's important to concentrate on obtaining quality backlinks from reliable sites.

4. Create quality content to generate natural backlinks:

The quality of your content can help you to obtain natural backlinks from other sites. By producing content that is relevant and informative for your target audience, you can encourage other sites to cite you or include you in their pages.

5. Focus on links that are relevant to your target audience or field of activity:

It's important to focus on obtaining backlinks that are relevant to your target audience or field of activity. Links from relevant sites carry more weight than links from unrelated sites.

By following these tips, you can establish an effective netlinking strategy. It's important to remember that netlinking is an ongoing process and that you need to keep working on obtaining quality backlinks to improve your ranking in the search results.

7) Try to reach "position 0" on the SERP

The " position 0 "This is a highly coveted position for any site seeking to position itself at the top of the results generated by search engines.

This is a box that appears at the very top of the search results page, displaying a concise response to a given query, extracted from the content of a website.

There are several ways to optimise your site to achieve position 0. One of the simplest is to shorten the URL and the wording of titles to answer specific questions.

It is important to note that this method cannot be considered a universal solution, as it can be achieved by a number of other means.

However, over-reducing your content in the hope of achieving this position can also reduce the quality of your site. A good SEO strategy can ultimately be more effective in achieving lasting results.

It is essential to understand your target audience and not fall into the trap of self-optimisation. Search engines favour sites that speak directly to their audience, providing them with relevant, high-quality information. So it's important to build content that meets the needs of your audience.

In short, "position 0" may seem like an SEO objective to achieve, but it's important to remember that it's only one part of a complete SEO strategy. Quality content remains the hard core of successful SEO.

8 - Optimise your local referencing

If you're a local business, it's important to strengthen your online presence locally in order to attract customers from your area. One way to do this is to optimise your local SEO. Here are some effective techniques for achieving this:

1. Create a listing on Google Business Profile :

This is a free platform offered by Google that allows businesses to provide precise information about themselves, such as their address, telephone number, opening hours and the categories in which they operate.

By creating a Google My BusinessYou can appear in local search results when people search for companies in your sector.

2. Use other platforms :

As well as Google My Business, there are other platforms such as Yellow Pages, TripAdvisor and Yelp. By registering on these sites, you can also improve your local referencing.

Don't forget to provide accurate and consistent information on all the platforms on which you are registered to avoid potential penalties from Google.

3. Encourage customer reviews:

Positive customer reviews can be a very good indicator to search engines that your business is reliable and offers quality products or services. So encourage your customers to leave reviews on Google My Business or other platforms.

4. Use local keywords :

Remember to include relevant local keywords in your page descriptions and titles. For example, if you are a bakery in Paris, include terms such as "boulangerie Paris" or "pâtisserie Paris" to improve your local SEO.

By following these techniques, you can increase your online visibility locally and attract potential customers from your region.

9.optimise your international referencing

To optimise your international SEO, you need to follow a few important steps. First of all, it's essential to understand how international search engines work and the cultural differences in terms of keywords and content.

So the first step is to translate your content into several languages and adapt your keywords to each target country.

It is important to take into account cultural specificities and linguistic variations. You can use translation tools, but make sure that the translated content is well written and understandable for local users.

Secondly, it is essential to use geographical top-level domains (ccTLDs) for the different language versions of your website. This means that you will need to buy different domain names for each target country.

For example, if you want to target France, you will need to buy a .fr domain name. This choice of domain will strengthen your credibility with local search engines.

You can also use sub-domains or directories for each target country, but you must then configure your website correctly for international visitors.

To improve your international SEO, you also need to build backlinks from relevant websites for each target country. These inbound links are an important factor in SEO and will help you increase your visibility in search results.

Finally, it is important to optimise your local SEO for each target country.

This means creating a local Google My Business listing and registering on similar local platforms. By using the right local keywords and providing accurate and consistent information about your business, you can improve your ranking in local search results.

In short, to optimise your international SEO, you need to translate your content into several languages, use ccTLDs, build relevant backlinks, and optimise your local SEO by creating a local Google My Business listing. This will help you increase your online visibility, attract new customers and boost your sales.

10.add FAQs to your pages

Integrate FAQs into your pages to optimise your SEO

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are an effective SEO strategy for improving your online visibility and answering visitors' questions in a relevant way. Including clear, precise and concise questions and answers on your website can greatly improve your SEO and encourage visitors to explore your site further.

Here are a few tips for integrating FAQs effectively:

- Prioritise the questions: place the most frequently asked questions at the top of the page so that they are easily accessible to visitors.

- Use targeted keywords: you can extract relevant keywords using Google Search Console to optimise the content of your FAQs.

- Prioritise questions related to the keywords your users are searching for: this will attract relevant visitors and answer their specific questions.

- Respond in a clear, simple and understandable way: avoid technical terms and complex wording that could put visitors off.

- Provide links to other pages on your site to stimulate their curiosity and increase the visibility of these pages.

- Use internal links to reinforce the structure of your site and encourage visitors to explore your content further.

By integrating relevant and optimised FAQs into your website, you can improve your natural referencing and offer your visitors a quality user experience. So don't hesitate to add an FAQ section to your pages to increase your online visibility.

11) Publish regular long tail content

To increase your online visibility and attract new targeted readers, it's essential to regularly publish quality long tail content on your blog.

Long tail content are specific, targeted articles that answer specific questions from your readers. Although these articles don't generate huge amounts of traffic on their own, they account for around 70% of Google searches.

By regularly publishing long-tail content, you can create a solid foundation for search engine optimisation, by meeting the specific needs of users.

Unlike generic articles, long tail articles tend to have a higher conversion rate, as they meet the specific needs of users.

By publishing quality long tail content, you can not only attract new readers, but also boost your solid search engine ranking.

Although these articles may not be visible on your site's most popular pages, they can generate a lot of quality traffic. Readers who are looking for specific information are more likely to find your long tail content, which will encourage them to stay on your site for longer.

In short, regularly publishing quality long-tail content on your blog is a key SEO strategy for increasing your online visibility and attracting potential new customers. By taking the time to create specific, targeted articles, you can create a solid SEO foundation while addressing the specific needs of your readers.

12. look after your e-reputation

These days, it's vital to look after your online image, as it can have a major impact on how potential customers perceive your business. To maintain a good online reputation, you need to keep a constant watch using free tools such as Google Alerts, Alerti and Mention, or a powerful monitoring tool such as Digimind.

Continuous monitoring allows you to keep an eye on what is being said about your business online, so that you are aware of the positive and negative comments that are being published on various online media. You can then counter negative comments by responding to them in a professional manner, which shows that you are listening to your customers and that you care about their satisfaction.

It's also important to harness the power of social networking by creating pages for your company on the various platforms available, such as FacebookLinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Social networks give you great visibility and allow you to interact with your customers by responding directly to their comments and asking for their opinion on your products or services.

By interacting with your customers in a professional manner and responding quickly to their concerns, you can strengthen your online reputation and improve the way customers perceive your business. In short, to nurture your e-reputation, it's important to monitor customer reviews, treat them professionally, and actively interact with them on social networks.


Complete guides and blog articles :


About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
