SEO Optimize 360

Is SEO profitable for businesses?

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 

on the theme : Price of an SEO service

In a world where online visibility is crucial to a company's success, many people are asking the question: is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) a profitable strategy for attracting customers and increasing revenue? ?

To answer this question, it is essential to understand what SEO is and how it works.

Let's analyse together the ins and outs of natural referencing and its impact on your company's profitability.

Is SEO profitable?

What is SEO and how does it work?

In simple terms, SEO refers to all the techniques used to improve the position of a website on the Internet. website in the results of search engines such as Google or Bing. The idea is to appear among the first choices when Internet users search for products, services or information related to what you offer. Search engines take several factors into account when ranking sites:

  • Relevance: The content must be useful and correspond to users' search intentions.
  • Authority: The site's reputation and credibility in the eyes of Google and other search engines, thanks in particular to incoming links from other well-known sites.
  • L'user experience : Page loading times, easy and intuitive navigation, and adaptation to different media (mobile, tablet, etc.).

SEO: a profitable method for the long term

Developing an SEO strategy requires time and effort to create quality content and optimise your website. However, once the right practices have been put in place, natural referencing offers sustainable, profitable resultsUnlike certain online marketing channels such as paid advertising.

Improving the cost of customer acquisition

The first advantage of SEO is the reduction in the cost of customer acquisition. Attracting visitors to your site through natural referencing does not require you to pay for each click generated, unlike advertising campaigns such as Google Ads for example. Although setting up an SEO strategy may require some initial investment (content writing, technical optimisation, etc.), this will quickly pay for itself since each new visitor will cost you less than with other online promotion methods.

More qualified traffic to your website

With SEO, your visitors are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer because they will have actively searched for similar information or products on the search engines. In other words, their intention matches the offer on your site, increasing the chances of conversion of these visitors into customers.

Creating a lasting relationship with Internet users

By offering quality content and working on the user experience, SEO contributes to build visitor loyalty and create a lasting relationship with them. This ongoing relationship strengthens your company's reputation and ensures regular traffic to your website.

Comparing SEO to other online marketing channels

To better understand the profitability of SEO compared to other online strategies, it is interesting to compare certain aspects:

Paid search (SEA)

Search engine advertising generates results very quickly, but these results only last as long as you invest in them. What's more, the cost per click increases as competitors bid to be positioned at the top of the results. For a viable strategy, SEO can increase visibility and attract traffic without requiring constant expenditure.

Social networks

Social networks remain an excellent way of reaching your target audience and promoting your business. However, they do require daily maintenance and paid advertising to increase the reach of publications. SEO therefore remains a complementary solution for ensuring a presence on different communication channels.


Despite its effectiveness, emailing has its limits and depends mainly on the size and quality of your subscriber list. SEO, on the other hand, makes it possible, constantly attract new visitors without needing to know their email address.

SEO at the heart of all digital strategies

Ultimately, SEO has a major impact on a company's profitability, as it encompasses all aspects of the business. webmarketing content, user experience, brand awareness...

With a good SEO strategy, you can generate qualified, long-term traffic while reducing customer acquisition costs.

However, it is also necessary to combine different marketing methods to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the web.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
