Is SEO more time-consuming and complex for E Commerce?

SEO Optimize 360

The SEO challenge for e-commerce sites

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 

on the theme : duration of an SEO service

When it comes to natural referencing (SEO), it is often considered that the work is more time-consuming and complex for electronic commerce (E-commerce).

With a large number of products, categories and sub-categories, as well as growing competition in this sector, it is essential to put in place effective and sustainable SEO strategies.

In this article, we'll explore the challenges and issues of SEO for online shops, and how e-commerce businesses can work to improve their online visibility.

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The specifics of SEO for e-commerce sites

E-commerce sites have specific SEO requirements that set them apart from other types of website. Here are a few of these specific features:

  • Number of pages : The E-commerce sites generally have a large number of pages, particularly because of the number of products, categories and sub-categories available.
  • Duplicate content : It is common to find similar or even identical product descriptions provided by manufacturers on several online shops. Duplicate content is a major problem in SEO, as it reduces the value of the page in the eyes of search engines.
  • Increased competition : Most e-commerce markets are highly competitive, which makes the task of achieving a high ranking in search results more difficult.

The challenges of sustainable growth for online shops

To ensure sustainable growth In order to grow their online business, many e-commerce shops have to overcome these obstacles and continually optimise their natural referencing. The main challenges they face are :

  • Visibility: It is essential for a online shop to be visible in search results to attract new customers, retain existing ones and generate more purchases.
  • Traffic quality : Generating qualified traffic is essential to maximising the rate of conversion (purchase).
  • L'user experience : Optimising the site for SEO must also be accompanied by improvements aimed at increasing user satisfaction. A website with a good user experience will help to encourage visitors to stay on the site and make purchases.
  • Taking technological developments into account: Google algorithms, technologies used by websites... It's important for e-commerce professionals to constantly adapt to the latest technological developments so as not to find themselves outdated and lose effectiveness in their SEO practice.

Measuring results to adjust strategies

In order to optimise their natural referencing, e-commerce sites need to implement a structured and analytical approach. This involves measuring performance and continually adapting strategies.

Analysing performance indicators

It is essential to regularly monitor changes in key performance indicators (KPIs) such as :

    • The click-through rate (CTR) : This KPI measures the ratio between the number of impressions of an organic result in search pages and the number of clicks to the page in question. A low CTR may indicate that the content is not relevant or attractive to the user.
    • Time spent on the site : It is important to study the average time spent by a user on the site, in order to understand whether it meets their expectations and whether it is likely to generate sales.
    • Le bounce rate : The bounce rate gives an indication of the relevance of the page's content in relation to the keywords on which it is positioned. A high bounce rate may indicate a problem with the quality of content or site navigation.
    • Page positioning : Tracking changes in page positions in search results helps to identify improvements that have worked and those that still need adjustment.

Adjusting natural referencing strategies

By analysing performance, it will be easier to adjust SEO strategies according to needs and objectives. Here are some actions to consider:

    1. Improving internal networking : To make navigation easier for the user and reinforce the site's authority in the eyes of the search engines, it is vital to optimise internal linking (links between the site's pages).
    2. Optimising meta tags : The title and description of a page are key factors in encouraging visitors to click on a search result. Care must be taken to ensure that they are attractive and relevant to the content of the page.
    3. Working on content : To avoid problems with duplicate content and improve page quality, it is essential to develop unique contentEach product and category is designed to be informative and engaging.
    4. Making the site mobile-friendly : With a growing proportion of searches being carried out from mobile devices, adapting the content and design of the site for these users has become essential.
    5. Setting up rich snippets : Rich extracts displayed in search results give users more information about the product and can increase the number of clicks to the page.

In short, SEO is a major challenge for e-commerce sites and requires a structured and flexible approach.

By regularly analysing performance and making ongoing adjustments to their strategies, online shops can work to improve their visibility in search results while ensuring that their online presence is maintained. sustainable growth of their business.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
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