Ranksplorer: definition

SEO Optimize 360

Understanding Ranksplorer to improve your SEO ranking

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 

on the theme : SEO tools and KPIs

In the world of digital marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) is a decisive factor in a website's visibility. website.

To position yourself favourably on search engines such as GoogleFor this reason, it is essential to use performance monitoring tools such as Ranksplorer.

In this article, we'll look at what Ranksplorer is and how it works.


Ranksplorer: definition and main features

Ranksplorer is a tool for tracking keyword rankings in search engines. It enables digital marketing professionals and website owners to monitor the positions of their pages in relation to the keywords chosen.

In this way, they can adjust their SEO strategy according to the results obtained.

A comprehensive tool for tracking your keywords

As well as tracking positions for a list of defined keywords, Ranksplorer also offers other performance indicators such as :

    • The volume of monthly searches for each keyword,
    • The cost per click (CPC),
    • Competition on these keywords, which takes into account the number of sites positioned on each of them,
    • Estimated SEO potential, i.e. your site's ability to rank for these keywords, taking into account the competition and the volume of searches,
    • Position history over time for precise tracking.

Ranksplorer provides an overall view of a website's SEO performance, enabling you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its keyword strategy.


Analysis to help you make strategic decisions

Ranksplorer also offers a series ofdetailed analysesThese are designed to help you make the right choices when it comes to natural referencing. The tool offers :

    • An analysis of competitors on the selected keywords, with the possibility of identifying their evolution over time,
    • A study of SEO opportunities for each keyword, to help users choose which ones to focus on,
    • A position distribution report, providing an overview of the number of pages on the site appearing in the top 10, top 20, etc., according to various rank intervals.

These analyses can help to decide which keywords to prioritise and which pages of the site need to be optimised or their content revised.

How do I use Ranksplorer?

Getting to grips with this filing tracking tool is relatively straightforward and can be done in just a few steps.

Initial configuration of Ranksplorer

The first step is to create a user account on the Ranksplorer platform. Once you've registered, you'll need to configure your personal space, including :

    1. The name and URL of the website you wish to track,
    2. Strategically chosen keywords relating to your business or sector,
    3. The search engines you wish to track, with the option of selecting specific national versions (e.g. Google.fr for France).

It is also during this phase that you will be able to add your competitors to be analysed, which will enable you to monitor their evolution in relation to your own performance on the selected keywords.

Consult results and make any necessary adjustments

Once you have filled in these details correctly, Ranksplorer will start to provide data about your ranking and that of your competitors on the selected search engines. You can view this information directly on the tool's interface, in the form of graphs and histograms based on various performance indicators.

Ideally, you should regularly analyse the results obtained, checking whether the actions taken have improved the positioning of certain pages, while monitoring changes in the positions of your competitors.

To optimise your SEO even further, consider incorporating the insights and recommendations provided by Ranksplorer into your SEO strategy. In this way, you can adjust your choice of keywords, rethink the architecture of your site or the quality of its content. This will help you to improve the visibility of your website on search engines and therefore generate more organic traffic.

Strengths and weaknesses of Ranksplorer

Ranksplorer has a number of advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when selecting an SEO ranking tracking tool.

The benefits of Ranksplorer

  • A simple, intuitive interface that makes the tool easy to use, even for beginners,
  • The ability to monitor competitors simultaneously, offering a comparative view of SEO performance,
  • The display of numerous performance indicators, with clear, easy-to-understand graphs,
  • A free trial offer to test the effectiveness of the tool before deciding to subscribe.

The limits of Ranksplorer

  • A relatively high price for certain subscription packages, particularly for sites requiring more exhaustive monitoring,
  • Initial configuration can be time-consuming and tedious for some users, particularly those who do not have a list of specific keywords,
  • Finally, although Ranksplorer is an interesting and useful tool for optimising your SEO, it is limited to tracking search engine positions and does not provide an overall analysis of your site in terms of technical optimisation or content quality.

All in all, Ranksplorer is still an excellent an effective tool for tracking SEO performance and improve in the competitive world of search engines such as Google.

Don't forget to consult the data provided by the tool on a regular basis, and to adjust your keyword strategy according to the results obtained in order to achieve greater online visibility.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
