The 10 essential tasks of an SEO agency

SEO Optimize 360

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 

What does an SEO agency do?

In a constantly evolving digital world, it is crucial for companies to be present and visible on the Internet.

This is where a natural search engine optimisation (SEO) agency comes in, with the aim of improving the online visibility and therefore the positioning of sites on search engines such as Google.

In this article, we take a look at the 10 main tasks of an SEO agency to understand how they contribute to the online success of their clients.

missions of an SEO agency

1. Website audit

The audit is without doubt one of the most important tasks for any SEO agency. It involves an in-depth evaluation of all the technical, structural and semantic aspects of an website to identify its strengths and weaknesses in terms of referencing. A full audit will enable the agency to establish a precise diagnosis and propose appropriate solutions.

Technical audit

The technical audit consists of analysing the overall performance of the site: loading speed, code quality, mobile compatibility, navigation, security, etc. This preliminary work is necessary to determine the actions that need to be taken to improve these technical aspects, which are essential to the site's SEO.

Semantic and competitive audit

The semantic analysis focuses on the content of the site (text, images, videos, etc.) and its organisation to optimise readability for search engines and web users. A competitive analysis is also carried out to gain a better understanding of the customer's world, market trends and identify opportunities to be seized.

2. Keyword search

Once the audit has been carried out, the SEO agency researches the key words most relevant and appropriate to the site's activity. This makes it possible to effectively target Internet users' queries and improve positioning in search engine results.

3. Content optimisation

This mission consists of enriching and adapting existing content to the needs of users and the requirements of search engines while complying with the rules of web copywriting optimised (SEO). In particular, this involves working on the structuring of texts, the integration of keywords and the relevance of titles and meta tags.

4. Creation of new content

In addition to optimising existing content, the SEO agency can take charge of creating new articles or web pages to strengthen the site's authority in its sector of activity and meet the expectations of Internet users. The regular production of fresh, high-quality content is essential for improving online visibility.

5. Internal and external networking

Le internal networking groups together all the links present within a website, enabling the creation of a real page architecture. External linking, also known as netlinkingis to obtain backlinks (inbound links) from external sites to the customer's site to increase popularity and authority in the eyes of search engines.

6. Performance monitoring and analysis

Monitoring and analysing performance is an integral part of the SEO agency's mission. Thanks to specialised tools such as Google AnalyticsIt is able to regularly assess the impact of its actions on visibility, traffic and sales. conversions of the site. This data is used to check whether the objectives are being achieved and to adjust the strategy if necessary.

7. Competitive and technological intelligence

The world of SEO is constantly evolving, with new techniques emerging and search engine algorithms becoming ever more sophisticated. An SEO agency therefore needs to keep abreast of the latest trends and practices in SEO. in order to adapt its strategy accordingly and remain competitive.

8. Defining the SEO strategy

Developing an SEO strategy means defining an action plan tailored to the specific needs of each client. This crucial stage involves taking into account various criteria such as commercial objectives, budgetary constraints, available resources and the site's competitive situation.

9. Support and training

Customer support is also an important mission for the SEO agency, which aims to create a relationship of trust over the long term. This can include training natural referencing techniques for the client's teams, so that they can maintain and improve their online presence independently.

10. Regular reporting

Finally, SEO agencies have a duty to provide their clients with regular, transparent and detailed reporting on the actions taken and their results. This makes it possible to measure the progress of the project in concrete terms and to adjust the strategy on the basis of the data collected.

Through these 10 key missions, an SEO agency provides comprehensive, personalised support for each customer, guaranteeing optimum visibility on search engines and a significant improvement in the overall performance of the website.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
