Guide to presenting a successful SEO audit

SEO Optimize 360

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 

How to present a SEO audit ?

In the world of natural referencing, theSEO audit is a key element in improving the performance and visibility of a website.

Presenting an SEO audit in a clear and understandable way helps to highlight areas for improvement and to set precise objectives to be achieved.

This article will serve as a guide to presenting your SEO audit effectively.

How to present an SEO audit

1. Preliminary diagnosis :

Before we present the SEO audit proper, we need to carry out a preliminary diagnosis to better understand the current state of the website and its weak points. This stage consists of analysing various criteria such as :

  • The quality and relevance of the content,
  • Site architecture and structure,
  • La loading speed,
  • Le internal networking and external
  • Optimising tags (metadata),
  • The level of indexing in search engines.

The aim of this diagnosis is to give an initial impression of the aspects to be worked on during the SEO audit.

2. List of problems encountered :

Once the preliminary diagnosis has been carried out, it's time to list all the technical or strategic problems encountered by the site. These problems can be grouped into different categories:

a. Technical problems :

    • 404 error and unnecessary redirects,
    • Poor tag management canonical,
    • URL too long or badly structured,
    • Poor quality source code.

b. Content problems :

    • Duplicate content,
    • Insufficient or irrelevant texts,
    • Poor keyword management,
    • Absence or incorrect use of hn tags (titles and subtitles).

c. Popularity problems :

    • No or few inbound links,
    • Poor distribution of anchors on inbound links,
    • Low added value outbound links,
    • Weak presence on social networks.

Identifying these problems is essential if we are to move on to the optimisation and correction phase of the SEO audit.

3. Presentation of solutions and recommendations :

Once the problems have been identified, the next step is to determine what solutions and corrective measures need to be put in place. Here are a few examples:

a. For technical problems :

    • Elimination of 404 errors and implementation of appropriate redirections,
    • Optimisation of canonical tags,
    • Improved URL structuring.

b. For content issues :

    • Delete or modify duplicate content,
    • Revision and optimisation of existing texts,
    • Adding new content that is relevant and enriching for the user,
    • Optimisation of hn tags and work on internal linking.

c. For popularity problems :

    • Implementation of a netlinking efficient and appropriate,
    • Improved distribution of anchors on inbound links,
    • Choice of quality partners for outbound links,
    • Developing and leading a community on social networks.

For each proposed solution, it is essential toclearly explain its implementation and estimate the time needed to obtain results.

4. Drawing up an action plan and timetable :

In order to monitor and measure the progress made following the SEO audit, it is important to set up a detailed action plan with precise objectives and a timetable. The steps to follow can be :

  1. Define priorities based on expected impact and available resources,
  2. Establish a realistic timetable for implementing the actions,
  3. Allocating tasks to different team members,
  4. Set up a performance monitoring and measurement system for each action undertaken.

This action plan will give the team in charge of SEO a clear vision of the tasks to be carried out, while making it easier to manage and monitor the work carried out.

5. Visual presentation of the SEO audit :

To help the uninitiated understand what is at stake in an SEO audit, it is essential to work on the visual presentation of the audit.

Use graphs, tables or images to illustrate your points and show the positive changes expected once the recommended solutions have been implemented.

clear and attractive presentation will make it much easier to understand and accept your SEO audit.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
