Why and how to make your website visible on the Internet

How can you make your website more visible on the internet?

Why make your website visible on the Internet?

"Not seen, not taken!"

However attractive and pleasant your site may be to read, if it's not visible, it won't do you any good other than show it off to your customers who already know about it.

If you want a website that generates leadsIf you're looking to attract qualified traffic and new customers, bear in mind that 95% of Internet searches are carried out on the Google search engine.

And that 91% of Internet users don't read the results beyond the first page - that just goes to show the vital importance of visibility, of ranking well in order to be seen, and "to be bought".

How can you make your website more visible on the internet?

To make your site more visible on the Internet and to improve its ranking, you need to work on its SEO to enable it to appear on the first page of search engines.

Several referencing levers are possible

Le natural referencing (or SEO) aims to optimise the content and structure of your site so that it is properly recognised and presented by Google.

Le paid referencing (SEA) is the one that you activate by buying keywords corresponding to certain specific queries made by Internet users on search engines.

A blog, containing articles with high-quality, SEO-structured content, will increase the SEO value of your site and therefore its visibility - the benefits are not to be underestimated.

L'auto-completionOptimize 360, an exclusive SEO technique, will enable you to be cited immediately in the suggestions presented by Google under the search bar when you type a query before you've even finished writing it - it's a new and particularly effective technique.

What is natural referencing ?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the set of techniques used to make your website appear higher up the Google results pages, on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

It requires a good mix between the coherence of your positioning and the expressions/key words that your potential buyers personas are likely to type into search engines.

Getting your site known and visible on Google is essential these days.

The 3 pillars of a good SEO strategy are 1. technique, 2. copywriting, 3. links

The SEO Technique

The technique includes a good analysis of the crawl and indexing of your site, a recognised and structured tree structure, optimised markup with the right tags, etc. canonicaltitle, hn and metadescription.

Creating a site alone is not enough.

SEO copywriting

Copywriting includes the right amount of text, a semantic universe that corresponds to the queries of web users, a lexical field that feeds it, etc...

SEO links and backlinks

Links are a measure of your site's popularity. They correspond to citations of your site from third-party sites that will mention you because they have recognised the quality and relevance of your content.

This SEO referencing is as effective over the long term as it requires consistency to build.

At Optimize 360 Paris Nord Lille, we've been experts in this technical field for a long time, helping our customers to improve their visibility effectively and sustainably.

What is paid search?

Paid search (or SEA: Search Engine Advertising) is the process of buying keywords, using a controlled bidding system, in order to appear in the first 4 positions at the top of the first page.

(SERP: Search Engine Result Page) in search engine results.

Very complementary to the structuring and long-lasting approach of natural referencing, SEA will be less long-lasting but more immediate.

You can choose from 6 objectives: increase your sales, increase your brand awareness, increase qualified traffic to your site, arouse interest, attract prospects, promote an application.

6 sales channels are available: search, display, online, online and offline. Google shopping applications, Gmail and finally Youtube.

The idea behind this online advertising approach is to get "the right message to the right person at the right time".

Optimize 360 SEO agency Paris Nord Lille will work with you to define the keywords on which to bid, set the technical parameters of the campaigns, and readjust subsequent campaigns according to their impact as measured by KPI's and the parallel SEO results.

Did you know that a blog will increase your visibility?

A blog is supposed to be a tool for communicating your site to Internet users, by writing articles, announcing your projects and your latest news, and posting on topical subjects related to your visitors' interests. buyer personas you address them directly.

There's some good marketing sense in your approach, it's a prerequisite but it doesn't allow you to exploit the potential of your blog for visibility purposes. 

Better structured and "SEO oriented" (i.e. including a semantic universe related to the queries made by Internet users on your subject), your articles, posts and speeches will not only be relevant to Internet users but also to Google, which will take this into account in your favour in its visibility rankings.

Optimize 360 Paris Nord Lille helps you make your website visible

Optimize 360 Paris Nord Lille is a 360° digital marketing agency.

Our value proposition The aim is to help small business owners who have neither the time nor the expertise to exploit digital levers to develop their business.

Our raison d'être Helping our customers win customers!

Our expertiseknow how to implement a digital strategy 360° with the right mix of: SEO natural search and SEA paid search / social media strategy /... content marketing / website redesign / e-reputation / completion influence.

Our added value :

  •   combine digital expertise with business management experience, enabling us to talk pragmatically and operationally, entrepreneur to entrepreneur
  •   leverage the technical and collective strength of our network (precise diagnostic and implementation tools / rapid responses / local, personalised, regular, long-term support).

Our thanks go to the 95% customers who place their trust in us every year.

blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
