How do you determine and find the right keywords for SEO?

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Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360

On the theme Semantic SEO

The choice of keywords is an essential step in implementing a natural search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy.

Keywords are the bridge between your content and the expectations of Internet users.

To maximise your visibility on the web and improve your chances of success, our SEO Agency gives you some advice on how to identify and select the best keywords for your site in order to achieve good referencing. Google.


choose your keywords

Understanding the importance of keywords in SEO

Keywords enable search engines to understand the content of your site and rank it among the relevant search results. The more you target keywords that match the search intent of your audiencethe more likely it is that your site will appear in the top positions of Google and other search engines.

Choosing the right keywords has a direct impact on the quality of the traffic generated on your site: a better positioning increases the number of visitors and favours a higher visitor rate. conversion high. However, competition for certain keywords can be very strong, making it difficult to use them effectively for SEO purposes. We therefore need to draw up a list of relevant and accessible keywords based on a number of criteria.

Step 1: Analyse the keywords in your business sector

To choose your key words In SEO, it's essential to start with an analysis of the business sector and its competition. This will tell you which keywords are already being used by other players in your market.

Study competitor sites and pages

Carry out an audit of your competitors' sites by observing their choice of keywords, titles, meta descriptions and editorial content. The idea is to identify recurring trends and patterns to help you refine your own choices.

Use keyword analysis tools

There are various online tools that can help you identify important keywords in your field. They generally offer statistics on the search volumeand other useful information to help you make your selection.

    • Google Ads Keyword Planner to consult the search volumes for each keyword and get suggestions based on the main term chosen;
    • SEMRush or Ahrefs to analyse the lexical universe of your competitors and identify opportunities that you can exploit;
    • Ubersuggest to generate a list of keywords relating to several levels of depth and calculate their attractiveness according to various criteria.

Step 2: Focus on search intentions

Once you have identified the main keywords in your sector of activity, you need to analyse which ones best match the search intentions of Internet users.

The different types of search intent

There are generally four types of search intent:

    1. Navigational : Internet users are looking for a particular page or site;
    2. Informative : Internet users are looking for information on a subject, a product or a service;
    3. Commercial : Internet users aim to compare products or services before making a purchase, or to find advice;
    4. Transactional : the web user is ready to make a purchase or carry out a specific action (subscription, registration, etc.).

It is advisable to build your list of keywords according to these different types of intention, in order to optimise the chances of meeting your visitors' expectations and therefore improving the quality of the traffic generated.

Step 3: Choosing and ranking your keywords

Once you have drawn up an initial list of relevant keywords for each research intentionNow we need to prioritise them. To do this, we can use a number of criteria:

  • Search volume: focus on keywords with high traffic potential, while keeping an eye on competitiveness;
  • The long tail: more specific expressions with a low search volume can be interesting to target cumulatively;
  • The link with your offering: it is crucial to choose keywords that are relevant to your products and services in order to attract a qualified audience;
  • Creating a strategic mix: balancing traffic-generating keywords with more conversion-oriented ones to maximise ROI.

Develop a list of main and secondary keywords

A good practice is to create two types of keyword lists:

    1. The main keywordsThese are often more generic and competitive, allowing you to focus on the essence of your message and win new customers;
    2. The secondary keywordsoften from the long tail and less competitive, to maximise opportunities for visibility in specific market niches.

By choosing your SEO keywords wisely, you considerably increase your chances of success against the competition.

Don't forget that this selection must be regularly updated and adjusted in line with changes in your sector of activity, your objectives and the trends observed in search engine results.

About the author

Frédéric POULET is the founder of the SEO Agency Optimize 360 After 20 years in large groups, he founded Optimize 360 to put the know-how of large groups to work for SMEs. Now a recognised specialist in SEO and natural referencing in France and Europe
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