Nicolas Tonon category

marketing strategy mistakes

Mistakes to avoid when creating a marketing strategy for your online shop

What is an online shop? You've created your online shop and you're ready to market your products. But are you sure you're doing it right? Do you have a clear marketing strategy in place? Marketing your online shop or e-commerce site can be a daunting task, especially when...
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social networks

The benefits of integrating social networks into your online shop

Today, it's crucial for businesses of all sizes to maintain a solid digital presence in order to attract and retain customers. One way of doing this is by integrating social networks into your online shop or e-commerce site. This integration creates an environment in which customers can interact with your brand in a way that...
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security and confidentiality

How to optimise the security and confidentiality of your e-commerce site

In the world of e-commerce, security and confidentiality have become crucial aspects of customer confidence and data protection. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving and looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit in order to steal sensitive information and cause financial losses to businesses. In...
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loyalty programme

Best practices for creating a loyalty programme for your online shop

Customer loyalty programmes have become an essential element for online businesses looking to build customer loyalty and increase sales. These programmes encourage customers to return to your e-commerce site regularly and make additional purchases in exchange for rewards or exclusive benefits. The implementation of...
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customise product pages

The benefits of personalising product pages for your e-commerce site

E-commerce has grown rapidly in recent years, and more and more businesses are turning to online shops to reach a wider audience and generate sales. In this context, it is essential to stand out from the competition and offer an exceptional user experience...
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live chat

How to integrate live chat functionalities to improve the customer experience

Today, the world of customer service is rapidly evolving, and one of the biggest trends is the integration of live chat functionality into support systems. As a helpful assistant, I'm delighted to share with you this comprehensive guide to understanding how to integrate live chat functionality to improve the experience...
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payment page

Best practice for creating the payment page

In the ever-changing world of e-commerce, it is crucial to offer customers a smooth and hassle-free online shopping experience. An essential part of this experience is the design and implementation of efficient and user-friendly payment and order confirmation pages. In this article, we will...
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create compelling product pages

How to create compelling product pages for your online shop

In the world of e-commerce, product pages are the showcases for your products. They are often the first impression customers have of your brand and your products, and it is crucial to make them as attractive and convincing as possible. In this article, we're going to explore how to create...
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site design errors

Common mistakes to avoid when designing e-commerce sites

Designing an attractive and user-friendly e-commerce site is essential to the success of your online business. As a business owner, you need to be aware of the mistakes to avoid when designing e-commerce sites and how to avoid them. This article will help you understand the design mistakes...
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SEO strategy effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of your Google local listing strategy

Local search engine optimisation (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that helps improve your business's visibility in local Google search results. Users often search for nearby businesses, and local SEO helps you reach these people by highlighting your business in the search results.
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