Fred Poulet category

social networks

What is Fediverse? The new social networking phenomenon

By our Social Media Agency Optimize 360 What is Fediverse? The new social networking phenomenon? These days, social networks play an important role in our daily lives. They are constantly evolving, and a new trend seems to be attracting more and more users: the Fediverse. But what is it?...
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prompt gemini

Making a Gemini prompt for an SEO article

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential to the success of your blog or website. Good SEO allows you to reach more readers and improve the visibility of your articles online. One of the key aspects of SEO is the creation of punchy and attractive Gemini prompts. In this article,...
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Best SEO agency optimize 360

Google Trends in your SEO strategy. The 10 key steps

By our SEO Agency Optimize 360 10 ways to use Google Trends in your SEO strategy Google Trends is an invaluable tool for optimising your SEO strategy. By analysing search trends, it allows you to adapt your content and keywords so that you're always at the top of the results. Here are 10 ways you can use Google Trends to...
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Optimize 360 to be on the first page of Google

How can you be No. 1 on Google in 2024?

In the world of SEO, being at the top of the Google search results is the ultimate goal for any website owner. To reach this coveted position and stay there in 2024, you need to adopt a range of effective and innovative techniques. Here are 10 essential tips to help you rank first...
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TikTok enterprise - Optimize360

"Tik Tok - Hanouna - IA": the winning combo of future cultural poverty?

History has already shown us, with the advent of reality TV, that sometimes all that's needed is to bring together 'pretty faces' (and beautiful breasts) with the IQ of a sole meunière, for an audience in search of possible stories about couples and sex to get caught up in the game of pretextual scenarios...
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Ahrefs vs. SEMrush

Why has Ahrefs dethroned SEMrush?

In the world of SEO and online marketing, there are a number of tools that are indispensable for specialists. Among these tools, Ahrefs and SEMrush are frequently cited as the best available on the market. However, more and more experts agree that Ahrefs has become much better than SEMrush. So here's an analysis in...
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Optimize 360 Search Engines I How to choose the best Search Engine

10 key SEO points to watch out for in 2024

As the excellent site Abondance reveals on the subject of personalised search results, a veritable revolution is in the making in the face that the Google SERP is going to adopt. On the one hand, results are going to be increasingly personalised (and customisable), but they will soon be enhanced...
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Best SEO agency optimize 360

10 points on how to manage and correct cannibalisation in SEO

By our SEO Agency Optimize 360 How to manage and correct SEO cannibalisation? Cannibalisation in SEO is a phenomenon that can harm your site's SEO and its visibility on search engines such as Google. It is therefore essential to understand what cannibalisation is, to identify its causes and...
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What does the DMA mean for Google Business Profile?

In an ever-changing digital marketplace, businesses are increasingly turning to solutions such as Google Business Profile to increase their online visibility. Against this backdrop, the coming into force of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) is raising questions about how it could impact on these tools and business practices.
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Optimize 360 Search Engines I How to choose the best Search Engine

Personalisation, Bard, the Google SERP revolution

As the excellent site Abondance reveals on the subject of personalised search results, a veritable revolution is in the making in the face that the Google SERP is going to adopt. On the one hand, results are going to be increasingly personalised (and customisable), but they will soon be enhanced...
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