Fred Poulet category

Optimize 360 to be on the first page of Google

The 5 pillars of a winning SEO strategy in 2024

The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and it's essential for businesses to stay up to date and anticipate future trends. In 2024, a winning SEO strategy will be based on five key pillars for achieving optimal results from SGE (Search Generative Experience) on search engines such as Google.
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freelance SEO

Things to read before hiring an SEO freelancer

You're probably here because you've heard how crucial SEO is. And it is! But before you take the plunge and hire an expert, let us walk you through a few key points.
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Google Maps

How can I get listed on Google Maps?

Are you looking to improve the visibility of your business or establishment on the internet? These days, a well-optimised presence on Google Maps is essential for attracting local customers and helping your business to prosper. In this article, you'll find out 10 key points on how to get listed on Google Maps.
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site design errors

Using Rich Snippets to boost your SEO

In the competitive world of SEO, it's crucial to find ways of standing out by maximising the visibility of your content on search engines like Google. Rich Snippets are an effective way of boosting your SEO. Here are ten key points about using Rich Snippets...
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marketing strategy mistakes

Creating a website that converts

In today's connected world, it's essential to create a website that grabs visitors' attention and encourages them to take action. To do this, you need to put in place a solid strategy by following these 10 key points for building a website that converts:
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Optimize 360 to be on the first page of Google

Obtaining quality backlinks in 2024

When it comes to SEO, backlinks are essential for improving the visibility of a website on search engines such as Google. They help boost your ranking and attract qualified traffic to your content. In this guide, we present 10 key points for obtaining quality backlinks...
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loyalty programme

How do you recognise an SEO expert in his or her field?

By our SEO Agency Optimize 360 How do you recognise an SEO expert? Finding the best person to optimise your online presence can be difficult. It's important to know how to spot genuine SEO experts amongst the multitude of pretenders on the market. Here are ten key elements for recognising a genuine SEO expert...
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SEO Optimize 360

Reconciling graphic design and SEO

Graphic design and search engine optimisation (SEO) both play a crucial role in the success of a website. However, these two disciplines are often considered to be antagonistic, to the detriment of user experience (UX) and site performance. Learn how to reconcile graphic design and SEO by following these 10 tips...
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Best SEO agency optimize 360

Why use Bing Webmaster Tools?

Bing Webmaster Tools is a set of powerful, free tools designed for search engine optimisation (SEO) specialists and website owners. Its main purpose is to monitor, analyse and optimise your site for performance on the Bing search engine. In this article, we'll look at the 10 main features of Bing Webmaster Tools...
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Google local listing errors

Artificial intelligence to boost SEO strategies

By our SEO Agency Optimize 360 How can artificial intelligence boost SEO strategies? The world of search engine optimisation (SEO) is constantly evolving, and artificial intelligence (AI) is now playing a key role in helping businesses improve their online visibility. This technology offers new possibilities for optimising content creation, analysing...
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