Web Agency

Optimize 360 Web Agency

Optimize 360 Website Design Agency

Optimize 360 is a web agency that creates websites optimised for SEO.

Specialising in 360° digital strategy, we create high-performance websites in all areas of your business.

Bringing together User Experience (UX), SEO, on Google and technical performance is real know-how at Optimize 360.

Would you like to create a website with real professionals?

Call on our Optimize 360 Web Agency

Optimize 360, Website creation agency
Optimize 360, Website creation agency
Web Agency

Optimize 360 Web Agency

Optimize 360 Website Design Agency

Optimize 360 is a web agency that creates websites optimised for SEO.

Specialising in 360° digital strategy, we create high-performance websites in all areas of your business.

Bringing together User Experience (UX), SEO, on Google and technical performance is real know-how at Optimize 360.

Would you like to create a website with real professionals?

Call on our Optimize 360 Web Agency

What is a Web Agency?

A Web Agency is a company specialising in the creation, development and management of websites and digital solutions, as well as in digital marketing.

It offers a wide range of services, from graphic design and web development to search engine optimisation and communication on social networks.

Its aim is to help its customers increase their online visibility and develop their business.

What does a Web Agency do?

  1. Website design and development This includes the creation of bespoke websites, using web development technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and content management systems such as WordPress.

  2. Graphic design and user experience (UX) The agency designs the visual appearance and user interface of websites to make them attractive and easy to use.

  3. Search engine optimisation (SEO) : It applies techniques to improve the website's ranking on search engines such as Google, which is essential for attracting traffic.

  4. Digital marketing This can include services such as online advertising, social network marketing, email marketing, etc., to promote the site and reach a wider audience.

  5. Web hosting and maintenance The agency can also offer hosting services for the website, as well as maintenance and updating services.

  6. Mobile application development Some web agencies also design and develop mobile applications.

  7. Digital strategy and consulting They can help companies develop strategies for their online presence and integrate digital solutions into their business operations.

In short, a web agency offers a range of services to help businesses establish and maintain an effective and engaging online presence.

The missions of our Optimize 360 Web Agency

Optimize 360 Agence web sites vitrines - Creation of showcase websites

What are the key stages in creating or redesigning a website?

Every website is about presenting your expertise online.

But if your site isn't being found by Internet users, what's the point?

That's why we at Optimize 360 believe in thinking about SEO from the outset, at the same time as setting up your website or e-commerce site.

What are the key steps involved?

The specifications for your digital project

These same specifications should clearly set out the major sales and marketing objectives you wish to assign to it.

Sales in France? internationally? in how many languages? To which audience?

This will enable us to determine the type of URL, hosting, CMS (Content Management System) and level of customisation you require.

We will also be able to observe the "forces at work", any competing sites, to determine their strengths and weaknesses, and therefore the gaps in positioning according to the sector of activity concerned.

Do you absolutely have to think about creating e-commerce sites? Will you need additional back-office management tools (customer CRM, logistics management, stock management, etc.)?

All this will make it easier to determine the size of the website itself, and will enable the Project Manager to put the necessary developments into perspective.
Quite simply, do you have an existing visual identity, a graphic charter to respect?

Your website should reflect your physical business identity and be in line with your overall communication strategy.

The website design specification is therefore a "Must Have".
You also need to determine, if possible, how content will be managed over time, and whether internal resources will be able to manage any changes, or whether you will also delegate this part to the digital communications agency to which you are entrusting the work.

Analysis of the semantic positioning of your website

There can be a big difference between the slogan of your offer, the name of your products or services, and the way people search for you on the web, unless you already have a strong reputation.

That's why Optimize 360 will help you to determine the key expressions with which Internet users are likely to find you (or not...), and to ensure that the site, from the moment it is created, includes content in line with these searches.

If not... Not Found = Not Seen = Not Taken.
So you'll need to make sure you're fully referenced on the main search engines.

A budget estimate for the creation or redesign of your website

The size of your budget will take into account the elements listed above, but also the specific features and essential functions that you will need to put in place.

Will you need to interface your site with peripheral business management tools?
Will you be translating it into several languages, and how?

Should you go for simple shared hosting or specific dedicated hosting?

All these issues, including facilities management, technical maintenance and corrective maintenance, will need to be calibrated to ensure that the site is not only launched, but that it lives and evolves over time.

Retroplanning your website creation process

Web design agencyYou can imagine that the scale of the task will vary depending on whether the site is a showcase or an e-commerce site.

Assessing the ramp-up will therefore have to be done "from both sides".

What resources does the agency have available? And what resources are available on your side to ensure that the necessary back and forth of creation and validation is perfectly identified.

Site creation experts are not the only ones responsible for the delays that can occur. All too often, customers tend to think that development time is all that's needed.
However, in 90% of cases, the materials and content required are necessarily provided by the end customer, and their ability to supply them on time.

The creation of a website is always (or almost always) the result of a collaborative effort between the web agency and the end customer.

User acceptance and launch of the website

Before putting the website online, it is obviously preferable to test its functionality and navigation before...

The user recipe is therefore essential before going online, to make the final adjustments before launching the site into the Internet.

Questions such as, "Have the social networks been properly linked?", "Has the management of cookies and RGPD been programmed? Have the compulsory legal notices been written? A whole host of little details that will ensure that the site is perfectly ready (or not).

Putting the website online or into production

The final stage in the design process is to check how the website behaves in real life...

Optimize 360 will therefore check with you that all the navigation functions are compliant.

That contact forms and e-commerce order forms work perfectly.
That the site is quickly found by search engines, and even surpasses those of competitors.

Which CMS (Content Management System) does Optimize 360 recommend?

Wordpress website creation agency

With 3 in-house developers, Optimize 360 is fully conversant with the creation of websites using Wordpress.

Wordpress is now the most widely used CMS in the world, thanks to its large number of SAS developers.

There are many CMS, website creation and web content creation tools.

With Wordpress, you have all the advantages of a high-performance CMS that most agencies and developers have mastered. 
Among other things, you'll make sure that you can change support providers if necessary for a technique that's almost "mainstream", mastered by lots of different agencies and, above all, scalable over time.

Wix website creation agency

Long regarded as a basic CMS for 'small sites', Wix can now be used to create very decent, SEO-optimised websites with a graphic quality that has also greatly improved over time.

New web marketing functions have been added almost natively.
If you want a simple site that's easy to manage, even by people in your company who don't know how to code, then Wix can be just the thing for 'small budgets'.

Optimize 360 will be able to tell you whether this technology is sufficient without you having to go looking for "gas factories", especially if you want to build a simple, inexpensive site.

Agence Web Sites Vitrine

Optimize 360 offers you the creation of "showcase" websites.

Like improved business cards, it's now easier to present your business online than to provide a good old-fashioned paper brochure that will be thrown away as quickly as it was given.

The Internet is a great way to reach people in France and all over the world, as long as you create a website and make sure it is well found ( SEO ). Although not requiring frequent updating, a showcase site is, as its name suggests, a reflection of the quality of your organisation. It must therefore be perfectly executed to give the best possible online image of your business.

We've already created dozens of showcase websites that have given our customers complete satisfaction.

Agency for the creation of institutional websites

In the same way, creating a corporate website must be in line with the organisation's image and must reflect your brand, employer brand and corporate culture.

Unlike an e-commerce site, which will be developed for purely commercial purposes, a corporate site is primarily concerned with the image, seriousness and quality of the organisation in the broadest sense.
From time to time, specific forms relating to job applications and others relating to press relations will need to be integrated.

A corporate website does not have the same codes as a commercial site.

Hotel website design agency

Faced with the hegemony of OTAs (Online Travel Agencies - such as Booking and Expedia), Optimize 360 has developed valuable expertise in the creation of hotel websites. These sites have to comply with very specific codes in the sense that Internet users will have to give priority to booking rooms directly, to the detriment of these same OTAs, which charge them an average of 20% in commission on bookings. How can we encourage web users to book directly? How can we convince them that using the official website will guarantee better customer service?

Optimize 360 masters all these reflexes perfectly and can guide hotels in the best possible way.

Creating websites for restaurants

How do you convince an Internet user to go to the restaurant's official website rather than taking the easy option of going via Lafourchette?

In the same way as for hotels, a site that allows you to book directly without going through intermediaries will not only save on booking costs, but will also make it easier to manage your own customer database.

However, if you want to be more successful than Lafourchette and others, you need to call on specialists like Optimize 360.

Would you like to work with a WEB Agency?

Find a web expert close to your company to discuss your project

What is the role of a web agency?

A web agency is a company specialising in the creation, design and management of websites.
Its main role is to support its customers in implementing an effective digital strategy tailored to their needs and objectives.

Firstly, the web agency can help its customers define their overall digital strategy:

Conducting market research on the web

to identify market trends and consumer needs.

Analysing the web competition

to determine the strengths and weaknesses of its customers in relation to this.

Determining the target customer (Buyer Persona) on the web

and set clear, precise objectives.

Designing and developing clients' websites.

It can produce graphic mock-ups to define the visual aspect of the site and propose functionalities tailored to its customers' needs.

It can also be responsible for setting up the site's technical architecture and its development.

Once the website has been created, the web agency can help its customers implement a natural referencing strategy (SEO) to improve the visibility of their site on search engines. It can also set up online advertising campaigns (SEA) to generate traffic to the site.

Maintaining and managing its customers' websites.

It can offer hosting solutions tailored to the needs of its customers and ensure that the site is regularly updated to guarantee its security and smooth operation.

It can also offer technical support services to meet its customers' needs in the event of a problem.

In short, the role of a web agency is to support its customers in implementing an effective digital strategy by creating and managing their website and ensuring its visibility on search engines.

It can also maintain and manage the website to ensure its smooth operation and security.


How does a web agency work?

A web agency needs to operate in an efficient and organised way to deliver quality services to its clients.

Here are a few key elements for the operation of a web agency:

Listening to customer needs:

Web agencies need to listen to their customers to understand their needs and objectives. It must be able to propose solutions tailored to meet its customers' expectations.

Defining a digital strategy :

The web agency must be able to develop a digital strategy for its clients based on their needs and objectives.

This strategy must include the design, development and promotion of the website.

Creation of the website:

A web agency must be able to create a website that meets its clients' expectations. It must ensure that the website is ergonomic, functional and aesthetically pleasing.

It must also ensure that it chooses the most appropriate CMS (Content Management System) depending on whether it is a showcase website, a corporate website or an e-commerce website that is being created.

Other very important aspects also need to be taken into account, such as languages, prices, delivery logistics, terms and conditions, legal notices, etc.

SEO referencing of the website:

The web agency must be able to propose solutions to optimise the natural referencing of the website on search engines such as Google.

It must also be able to put in place online advertising campaigns to improve the site's visibility.

Website maintenance :

Web agencies are responsible for maintaining their clients' websites.

It must be able to resolve technical problems quickly and ensure site security.

Monitoring and analysis :

The web agency must be able to monitor and analyse the results of its actions. It must be able to propose solutions to improve the website's performance.

To operate effectively, a web agency needs a multi-skilled, well-organised team.

This team must include specialists in web development, graphic design, SEO and digital marketing.

Each member of the team (project group) must have specific skills to guarantee the quality of the services offered.



What services does a web agency offer?

The services offered by a web agency may vary depending on their areas of expertise and specific offerings, but here are some of the services commonly offered:

Design of showcase websites, institutional websites and E-Commerce sites:

design and creation of personalised websites for businesses and individuals.

Web development :

creation of advanced functionalities for websites, such as content management systems (CMS), web applications, e-commerce platforms, etc.

Natural referencing (SEO) :

search engine optimisation of websites to increase their visibility and organic traffic.

Online advertising :

creation and management of online advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads ( SEA) or advertising campaigns on social networks.

Content marketing :

creating quality content for websites, including blog posts, infographics, videos, etc., with the aim of attracting and engaging visitors.

Social Network Management :

Creation and management of social network accounts for businesses, as well as implementing marketing strategies on social networks.

Maintenance, support and facilities management 

updating and ongoing maintenance of the websites, as well as providing technical support and assistance in the event of problems.

Web analysis and web performance tracking analytics

Collection and analysis of website data, such as traffic, user behaviour, conversion rates, etc., in order to optimise website performance.

These services can be offered individually or as complete packages, depending on the specific needs of each customer.



Why use a quality web agency?

Calling on a quality web agency has many advantages for your business or your online project.

Here are a few reasons why this can be beneficial:

Technical digital skills :

A quality web agency has a team of professionals with expertise in a range of areas, including website design, development, digital strategy and search engine optimisation.

They have the knowledge and skills needed to create high-performance websites tailored to your needs.

Web experience :

Quality web agencies often have a great deal of experience in the web sector, having worked on numerous projects for different clients.

This experience enables them to understand the needs of each customer and propose solutions tailored to their objectives.

Time saving :

By working with a quality web agency, you can save time by delegating the design, development and maintenance of your website.

This allows you to concentrate on other aspects of your business.

Quality of web creations (cf. customer case studies) :

Quality web agencies aim to deliver quality work to their clients.

They ensure that every website they create is high-performance, user-friendly and meets industry standards.

Scalability of the web agency :

A quality web agency can also help your website evolve over time.

They can advise you on improvements to be made, new features to be added and updates to be carried out to keep your website performing well and up to date.

Support and maintenance :

By working with a quality web agency, you often benefit from ongoing support and maintenance for your website.

They can help you to resolve technical problems, carry out repairs or make changes to your equipment. updates and answer any questions you may have about how your website works.

In short, using a quality web agency can be an excellent investment for your business or online project, giving you a high-performance website that is tailored to your needs and can evolve over time.



How do you choose your web agency?

Choosing a web agency is crucial to the success of your online project. Here are a few key points to bear in mind when making the right choice:

Understanding your digital strategy needs:

Before you start looking for a web agency, clearly define your web development needs. What are the objectives of your project? What type of site or application do you need? What features are important to you?

Experience and expertise of the web agency :

Check the experience and expertise of the web agency in question. Take a look at their portfolio and website to see the projects they have completed and the skills they have acquired over time.

Technical skills of the Web agency :

Make sure the web agency has the technical skills needed to carry out your project. Check that their team has the necessary programming, design, digital marketing and SEO skills.

Communication and support :

Make sure the web agency is easily accessible and will provide you with adequate support throughout your project. You should be able to communicate with them easily and regularly.

Overall budget for creating AND maintaining your website :

Determine your budget from the outset and check that the web agency you have chosen is able to work within your budget.

Existing customer references and testimonials:

Read the testimonials and customer references to get a clear idea of the quality of the work provided by the web agency.

Corporate culture :

Make sure that the web agency's corporate culture matches your values and your vision of the project. It's important to work with a web agency whose corporate culture is in harmony with your own.

In short, choosing a web agency involves taking into account a number of factors such as experience, technical skills, budget, communication, references and corporate culture. By taking these key elements into account, you can choose the web agency that best suits your needs and your online project.



How much does a web agency charge?

Web agency rates vary considerably depending on a number of factors, including the size of the agency, its geographical location, the skills and experience of the team members, the type of project and the services required.

In general, web agencies charge either an hourly rate or a fixed price for a complete project.

The hourly rate can vary from a few dozen to a few hundred euros, depending on the complexity of the project and the agency's experience. And depending on the level of customisation required, as well as its technical complexity (advanced functionalities / interfaces with third-party software / translations etc.), the hourly rate can vary from a few dozen to a few hundred euros. )

The price for a complete project can also vary considerably depending on the client's needs and the services provided by the agency.

To get a clearer idea of the prices charged by web agencies, we recommend that you contact several agencies and request detailed quotes for your specific project.

It is also important to take into account other factors such as the quality of the work supplied, delivery times and after-sales service before making a final choice.



What's the difference between an SEO agency and a traditional web agency?

A classic web agency is an agency that focuses on the design and development of websites for its clients.

It can also offer other services such as web hosting, site maintenance and security, content management, etc.

On the other hand, a SEO agency (Search Engine Optimization) focuses on optimizing websites for search engines, with the aim of ranking the site as high as possible in organic search results.

It uses a combination of on-page SEO techniques (content optimisation, site structure, etc.) and off-page SEO techniques (backlinking, creation of quality content, etc.) to achieve this objective.

Optimize 360, Web and SEO Agency, has the double expertise in this field



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